Dead Drops 'How to' - NYC 05:43

Dead Drops 'How to' - NYC

by vshare
455 views, 5131 days ago

http://deaddrops.com/ ‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. USB flash drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs accessable to anybody ...

Brighter Larger Looking Eyes - Makeup Tutorial 08:33

Brighter Larger Looking Eyes - Makeup Tutorial

by vshare
454 views, 5061 days ago

As requested, a makeup tutorial on making the eyes appear Larger and Brighter. This is a great trick to use when you pulled an all nighter and want to avoid looking tired. For detailed directions h...

FreeMind Tutorial 10:35

FreeMind Tutorial

by vshare
452 views, 5062 days ago

This tutorial explains in detail how to use the freeware mindmapping software "FreeMind." This is akin to the "bubble-mapping" you might have done in grade school to help brainstorm or outline a pa...

Aspirin Mask 07:59

Aspirin Mask

by vshare
450 views, 5077 days ago

Aspirin mask is not something new, but many people are not aware of this amazing mask and the potential it has for clearing you skin! This tutorial, you will need a bottle or a box of standard Aspi...

Purple Disco Chic 06:24

Purple Disco Chic

by vshare
447 views, 5076 days ago

This is my monthly Lancome video. Purple is the "it" color this spring! Music by Samantha James "Subconscious" itunes.apple.com "Breath You In" itunes.apple.com www.lancome-usa.com

DIY bokeh 04:08

DIY bokeh

by vshare
439 views, 5131 days ago

How to make that cardboard hood to assist you in making your own custom bokeh when shooting images. More info here: http://eirikso.com/2008/01/08/an-impressive-yet-simple-photographic-effect/

Slo–Mo Cloth in Cinema4D 10:06

Slo–Mo Cloth in Cinema4D

by vshare
421 views, 5131 days ago

This quick tip by Tim Clapham from www.luxx.com.au demonstrates a method of slowing down your cloth simulations. This method can be used with various other animation techniques that involve defo...

Ancient Aliens - s02e01 - mysterious places 43:01

Ancient Aliens - s02e01 - mysterious places

421 views, 4696 days ago


Natural Bridal Look ♡ 06:39

Natural Bridal Look ♡

by vshare
419 views, 5076 days ago

.。.:* Read Me*:.。. Check out the Step by Step version here bit.ly This video will show you how to achieve that natural blushing bride look with a few easy steps. For weddings, avoid high SPF founda...