Office Space Printer Scene Original HQ 03:12

Office Space Printer Scene Original HQ

by vshare
57970 views, 5321 days ago

This is one of the best scenes in one the best comedies of all time. If you are looking for this vid, you should already own the movie, but maybe you don't have that much money, or maybe you are at...

‪uke3453_s Channel‬‏ - YouTube-1 01:32

‪uke3453_s Channel‬‏ - YouTube-1

by millermusic
4122 views, 4988 days ago

‪uke3453_s Channel‬‏ - YouTube-1

ZUMBA Fitness 09:45

ZUMBA Fitness

by vshare
3743 views, 5321 days ago

Zumba is the big dance/aerobic craze at the moment, and is spreading fast worldwide. And it's easy to see why! First I had seen or heard of it when I filmed this at The Tampa Bay Linedance Classic ...

Sem controle - Luziane Baierle 02:38

Sem controle - Luziane Baierle

by vshare
2752 views, 5321 days ago

tinyurl.com Click the link to see how an 18 year old makes over $428 per day through cell phones... This is the craziest thing I have ever seen.. It's so freaking cool! Click no link para ver como ...

Cobus - Paramore - Careful Drum Cover 03:53

Cobus - Paramore - Careful Drum Cover

by vshare
2750 views, 5321 days ago

Laus Deo Semper http://www.facebook.com/deedlebag (by far most active here. fo shizzle.) http://www.cobuspotgieter.com (head over to the forum and tell everybody what you think of the video!) "L...

Iceland volcano eruption Eyjafjallajökull - by Sean Stiegemeier 02:19

Iceland volcano eruption Eyjafjallajökull - by Sean Stiegemeier

by vshare
2322 views, 5321 days ago

Iceland volcano eruption, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 Original video @ http://vimeo.com/11673745 by Sean Stiegemeier So I saw all of these mediocre pictures of that volcano in I...

Pigloo - Le papa Pingouin - Clip 03:7

Pigloo - Le papa Pingouin - Clip

by vshare
2047 views, 5321 days ago

Pigloo, le papa Pingouin in french ^^ so cool !! {Refrain:} Le Papa pingouin Le Papa pingouin Le Papa, Le Papa, Le Papa pingouin Le Papa pingouin s'ennuie sur la banquise Le Papa pingouin Le Papa p...

The Calling - Wherever You Will Go 03:26

The Calling - Wherever You Will Go

by vshare
1919 views, 4893 days ago

Music video by The Calling performing Wherever You Will Go. (C) 2001 BMG

Hometown Hotties 2009 Finalist: Brandi 01:13

Hometown Hotties 2009 Finalist: Brandi

by millermusic
1878 views, 5575 days ago

Watching this suds filled Hometown Hotties finalist video starring a lathered up Brandi from Canton, Michigan leaves you feeling squeaky clean. See all 2009 Hometown Hotties Finalists Here

Justin Bieber Parody Sleep on You Key Of Awesome 10 02:52

Justin Bieber Parody Sleep on You Key Of Awesome 10

by vshare
1726 views, 5321 days ago

Justin Bieber! He's gonna rock your body...if he's not grounded. CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD THE SONGS OF AWESOME! The Key of Awesome (Deluxe Edition) http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/the-key-awesome...

A Very Potter Sequel Act 1 Part 2 10:16

A Very Potter Sequel Act 1 Part 2

by vshare
1593 views, 5321 days ago

It's time to go back... in time that is! See how it all began as Harry sets off for his very first year at Hogwarts. He's ready to go but our hero is in for a surprise or two when he meets Ron Weas...

Homework Excuses... 01:57

Homework Excuses...

by millermusic
1430 views, 5575 days ago

Homework Excuses... Haha, so what are the excuses you give to your teachers? Leave a comment or a video response below!

Top Gear - Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz 06:51

Top Gear - Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz

by vshare
1424 views, 5297 days ago

All rights goes to BBC Worldwide,bbc.co.uk and topgear.com.Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz are prepared to guest on this weekend's edition of Top Gear.Enjoy!

Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom - Parry Gripp 01:10

Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom - Parry Gripp

by vshare
1279 views, 5321 days ago

parrygripp.com http Special thanks to all of the cool people who let me use their video clips! Please check out the original videos: Hamster eating bell peppers www.youtube.com from: www.youtube.co...

Pussycat Dolls Workout DVD Preview 03:02

Pussycat Dolls Workout DVD Preview

by millermusic
1267 views, 5575 days ago

The official trailer for the new PCD workout video coming out in December 2009. Uploaded for the fans at NicoleAlways.com

E! News - Nov 17 , 2009 - Miley Cyrus 01:40

E! News - Nov 17 , 2009 - Miley Cyrus

by millermusic
1264 views, 5575 days ago

Behind the scenes for the seventeen

Chemistry ケミストリー - Period PIANO Op 4 FMA Brotherhood 01:27

Chemistry ケミストリー - Period PIANO Op 4 FMA Brotherhood

by vshare
1181 views, 5321 days ago

The FMA Brotherhood series are getting pretty hectic atm. The latest episode came with a new opening, so I figured, why not cover the new song? It's pretty cool how the animes change songs so frequ...

James Bond escorts The Queen to the opening ceremony - London 2012 Olympic Games - BBC 06:26

James Bond escorts The Queen to the opening ceremony - London 2012 Olympic Games - BBC

by vshare
1174 views, 4603 days ago

http://www.bbc.co.uk/2012/ Daniel Craig as James Bond escorts Her Majesty The Queen to the Olympic Stadium in this special film produced by the BBC. Prod...

Magic Moving Images - Animated Optical Illusion 01:56

Magic Moving Images - Animated Optical Illusion

by vshare
1125 views, 5321 days ago

This is a very cool animated optical illusion with a concept that dates back over 100 years. This video will explain how the illusion works. Check it out! Very Cool!! (Everthing in this video was c...

South Park Mac vs PC 01:51

South Park Mac vs PC

by vshare
1121 views, 5321 days ago

Sync, store and share your files with friends online for free! Check out db.qeecode.com A parody of the Mac vs. PC commercials with South Park characters. Created as the final project for a multime...