Vioxx TV Ad 2000 version 2 00:16

Vioxx TV Ad 2000 version 2

by vshare
635 views, 5321 days ago

Video # 149: A television advertisement for Vioxx (rofecoxib)aired in the US during 2000. Copyright goes to Merck & Co., the makers of Vioxx. (NOTE: Vioxx was withdrawn from the market worldwide in...

Pioneer Production Profile 01:56

Pioneer Production Profile

by vshare
635 views, 5321 days ago

Pioneer Production Inc. is an independent non-profit media production group which provide full-service solutions for its clients, including strong corporate communication strategies. Pioneer Produc...



by vshare
632 views, 5321 days ago

Manufacturer of concrete landscape pavers, formulated with paver shield. Used for residential, commercial and industrial applications. www.nicolock.com

Apple - Mac - TV Ad - Basically 00:30

Apple - Mac - TV Ad - Basically

by vshare
629 views, 4606 days ago

An Apple Genius points out there are a lot of things that separate a Mac from an ordinary computer, like great apps that come built in.

FUNNY COMMERCIALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 04:22

FUNNY COMMERCIALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by vshare
613 views, 5080 days ago

Funny for a tv comercials

Home Sweet Home 04:35

Home Sweet Home

by vshare
612 views, 5321 days ago

The Mary Andrews Clark Memorial Home is a four-story French Colonial Chateauesque brick structure in downtown Los Angeles. It was built in 1912, and is a popular location for film makers.We've been...

Heroic Media Mission 03:21

Heroic Media Mission

by vshare
609 views, 5321 days ago

Heroic Media produces life-affirming TV commercials, internet, billboards, bus/train, and other media celebrating the heroism of motherhood and helping women in crisis pregnancies find help through...

Bedrijfsfilm Maken 00:46

Bedrijfsfilm Maken

by vshare
603 views, 5321 days ago

Interned1 is de grootste producent van Bedrijfsfilms, Commercials en Web tv programma's. Als u Interned1 bij uw relaties aanbeveelt ontvangt u 10% van de omzet (na ontvangst betaling). Dus wees sli...

Banned BMW TV Commercial 00:40

Banned BMW TV Commercial

by vshare
593 views, 5321 days ago

BMW publicity companies are getting even more pollite people for the developing of their commercials !

opensports 01:0


by vshare
593 views, 5321 days ago


Maria Sharapova - Nike Commercial 01:02

Maria Sharapova - Nike Commercial

by vshare
593 views, 5140 days ago

She is so pretty!

Apple - Mac - TV Ad - Labor Day 00:30

Apple - Mac - TV Ad - Labor Day

by vshare
591 views, 4606 days ago

An Apple Genius shows a soon-to-be father all the amazing things he can make with iPhoto.

Rodney Charters ASC Canon Body Cinematographer 05:32

Rodney Charters ASC Canon Body Cinematographer

by vshare
570 views, 5321 days ago

An Active Member of the American Society of Cinematographers. This invitation in April of 2004 to the ASC is a great priviledge and honour, as well as a prestigious hallmark in his career as a cine...

Rackinthecases 03:06


by misssuper
543 views, 4886 days ago

Rackinthecases http://www.rackinthecases.org/

Octo Digital Forensics: Cell Phone Forensic Experts 01:19

Octo Digital Forensics: Cell Phone Forensic Experts

by octodigitalforensics
142 views, 756 days ago

Octo Digital Forensics is the best choice for your cell phone forensics needs because we have years of experience in this field. We are able to extract active and deleted data from many cell pho...