Abu Ghraib-2 Outrage over Israeli soldier posing with bound Palestinians 00:30

Abu Ghraib-2 Outrage over Israeli soldier posing with bound Palestinians

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760 views, 5321 days ago

A former Israeli soldier has posted photos on the internet of herself posing beside bound and blindfolded Palestinian prisoners. She entitled the facebook page as, "the best days of my life". The I...

Armenian General Staff Military Band 05:20

Armenian General Staff Military Band

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757 views, 5320 days ago

Playing at Eksjö Tattoo in Sweden, 14 august 2010. After a slow start, this gets very intense.

Just Cause 2 dancing reaper and military 01:3

Just Cause 2 dancing reaper and military

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745 views, 5320 days ago

Video from Just Cause 2 captured by gamer!

Mercedes Sosa - Zamba para no morir 03:55

Mercedes Sosa - Zamba para no morir

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742 views, 5321 days ago

Romperá la tarde mi voz hasta el eco de ayer voy quedándome sólo al final muerto de sed, harto de andar pero sigo creciendo en el sol, vivo era el tiempo viejo la flor la madera frutal luego el hac...

Commander_ Conquest of the Americas - E3 Gameplay trailer 01:46

Commander_ Conquest of the Americas - E3 Gameplay trailer

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737 views, 5321 days ago

Download here: http://fileloadmax.com/Mary1276/Commander Players take charge of one of the many European powers aiming to conquer the New World. Starting from 16th century, players can choose ...

WA Kilner Danse Moresque 02:53

WA Kilner Danse Moresque

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734 views, 5321 days ago

I can find very little information about Kilner. He published several piano pieces between 1879 and 1893, but this piece - from 1879 - was his big hit. Per my score it was 'performed with immense s...

Military Assault Rifle Comparison 26:53

Military Assault Rifle Comparison

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734 views, 5321 days ago

Showing and shooting a couple of important military rifle action types that played huge roles in our nation's history!

Texas Republican slams Bush demented philosophy of conquest 02:58

Texas Republican slams Bush demented philosophy of conquest

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730 views, 5321 days ago

Full story at www.thebluestate.com Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) stood his ground and joined the twenty-or-so other Republicans that have decided to vote with the House Democrats in favor of a non-bi...

Creedence Clearwater Revival Fortunate Son 02:18

Creedence Clearwater Revival Fortunate Son

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727 views, 5320 days ago

Creedence Clearwater Revival Fortunate Son Willy And The Poor Boys Lyrics: Some folks are born made to wave the flag, Ooh, they're red, white and blue. And when the band plays "Hail to the chief", ...

Big Picture Army Technical Schools in Europe 27:57

Big Picture Army Technical Schools in Europe

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723 views, 5321 days ago

Big Picture: Army Technical Schools in Europe - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 2569552 / Local Identifier 111-TV-282 - DVD copied by Katie Filbert. Department of Defe...

Civ-Mil-Cooperationwmv 01:41


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714 views, 5320 days ago

Military cooperation



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712 views, 5320 days ago

www.nytimes.com WASHINGTON — At first, the news from Yemen on May 25 sounded like a modest victory in the campaign against terrorists: an airstrike had hit a group suspected of being operatives for...

Romanian spy cautght in Moscow 09:20

Romanian spy cautght in Moscow

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711 views, 5320 days ago

16/08/2010 Russian special service (FSB and SVR) caught Romanian (NATO) spy in Moscow. He sending military secrets for NATO/OPC. Russian counterintelligence operational video.

Afghan National Army Soldiers Graduate From US-Led Training 01:31

Afghan National Army Soldiers Graduate From US-Led Training

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710 views, 5320 days ago

According to the International Security Assistance Force, Afghan National Police are leading the way on more joint patrols in Afghanistan. Technical Sgt. Danielle Dull reports how US military polic...

Ron Paul America Is With Me On Foreign Policy CNBC 22 06:45

Ron Paul America Is With Me On Foreign Policy CNBC 22

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708 views, 5320 days ago

www.RonPaul.com In the second part of his appearance on CNBC's Squawk Box this morning, Ron Paul asserted that the world would be a lot safer if the US government didn't start so many wars and cont...

Ron Paul Refuses to Support a Military Dictator in Pakistan 04:37

Ron Paul Refuses to Support a Military Dictator in Pakistan

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702 views, 5321 days ago

Thomas Jefferson summed up the noninterventionist foreign policy position perfectly in his 1801 inaugural address: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances wi...

Fanfara bersaglieri - part 2 06:45

Fanfara bersaglieri - part 2

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699 views, 5321 days ago

Military band representing Italy at the Swedish Military Tattoo 2006 - La fanfara bersaglieri di Bedizzole (BS) ha così rappresentato l'Italia allo Swedish Military Tattoo 2006

kim nam gil at military service 00:32

kim nam gil at military service

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698 views, 5321 days ago

kim nam gil at military service

First Suite For Military Band in E flat 10:34

First Suite For Military Band in E flat

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693 views, 5321 days ago

A cornerstone of the concert band repertoire, this beautiful piece of music was composed by the British composer Gustav Holst. For music buffs from the new school, old school, or the classical scho...

Military Exercise - Training for WMDS on US soil 08:17

Military Exercise - Training for WMDS on US soil

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690 views, 5320 days ago

Training right in front of my house in fact.