2010 THE FUTURE 03:44


by vshare
854 views, 5320 days ago

SO...this is the first vlog of 2010. Where i will hopefully be uploading more videos and hanging around with you guyz moresies! BTW i will respond to EVERY comment and i will see you again on Sunda...

„Preußens Gloria auf dem Roten Platz in Moskau 06:27

„Preußens Gloria auf dem Roten Platz in Moskau

by vshare
3567 views, 5320 days ago

„Preußens Gloria" auf dem Roten Platz in Moskau, so lautete die Überschrift der staatlichen russischen Nachrichtenagentur „Novosti" in ihrem Bericht über das 1. Militärmusikfestival in Moskau. Zu s...



by vshare
847 views, 5320 days ago

America needs Ron Paul. www.RonPaul2008.com A Brief Overview of Ron Paul's Record He has never voted • to raise taxes • for an unbalanced budget • to raise congressional pay • for a federal restric...

The Great Office War HD 04:50

The Great Office War HD

by vshare
1065 views, 5320 days ago

Witness the biggest and greatest office confrontation ever! Now in HD!

Rise Against - Hero Of War 04:17

Rise Against - Hero Of War

by vshare
885 views, 5321 days ago

Music video by Rise Against performing Hero Of War. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1,972,407. (C) 2009 DGC Records

AMV - By Your Side my last words 04:3

AMV - By Your Side my last words

by vshare
1018 views, 5321 days ago

Up For Download: www.animemusicvideos.org New amv, wanted to finish sumthing. So yea. It could have been better. --- -Story- Mutou Kazuki and Tsumura Tokiko, whoes love wasnt allowed. They have bee...

News on Obama and Food Stamps 09:19

News on Obama and Food Stamps

by vshare
914 views, 5321 days ago

News on Obama and Food Stamps Brought to you by Bill at Highland Hill farm... Call bill for trees at 215 651 8329 or go to www.digatree.com - Obama is continuing the process of transforming America...

Obama cares more for unions than Kids 09:19

Obama cares more for unions than Kids

by vshare
778 views, 5321 days ago

Obama cares more for unions than Kids Brought to you by Bill at Highland Hill farm... Call bill for trees at 215 651 8329 or go to www.digatree.com - Obama is continuing the process of transforming...

Ron Paul is running in 2012 03:17

Ron Paul is running in 2012

by vshare
839 views, 5321 days ago

Ron Paul is running according to Matt Collins. He has been a big insider in the past. Here's the first article: www.ronpaul.com Second Article: www.rasmussenreports.com Credit's Rant From Song: Mas...

Prison Break Season 4 Episode 2 Breaking and Entering Part 1 09:16

Prison Break Season 4 Episode 2 Breaking and Entering Part 1

by vshare
1042 views, 5321 days ago

http://www.tiny.cc/PrisonBreak Enjoy full Prison Break episodes FREE. Season 4, Episode 2: Breaking and Entering In LA, General Krantz tells Wyatt that he wants Michael, Lincoln and Mahone dead. ...

Edinburgh Military Tattoo 09:35

Edinburgh Military Tattoo

by vshare
975 views, 5321 days ago

Comienzo de la Edinburgh Military Tattoo del año 1998

The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards - Amazing Grace 04:55

The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards - Amazing Grace

by vshare
1363 views, 5321 days ago

The history of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards is the record of three ancient regiments: The Royal Scots Greys, the 6th Dragoon Guards and the 3rd the Prince of Wales Dragoon Guards. Through The Roy...

Lowkey  Immortal Technique - Voices Of The Voiceless 04:28

Lowkey Immortal Technique - Voices Of The Voiceless

by vshare
1000 views, 5321 days ago

(OFFICIAL LYRICS): Verse1: (Lowkey) "From West 10 to the West Bank, I write righteous rhymes with my right and wrestle the devil with my left hand, Never work for a Zionist, never been a yes man, M...

Hizb ut-Tahrir - the black BNP 02:05

Hizb ut-Tahrir - the black BNP

by millermusic
1244 views, 5575 days ago

The terror threat posed by Islamic Fundamentalism has convinced some people in Europe and the USA to embrace radical nationalist and extreme right politics as a supposed "alternative" to the danger...

Spreading Islam In Britain - CNN 12 nov 2009 04:15

Spreading Islam In Britain - CNN 12 nov 2009

by millermusic
1250 views, 5575 days ago

CNN's Nic Robertson reports on a radical Islamic fringe active in Europe and close to al Qaeda.