South Korea and US Conduct Second Military Drills 01:58

South Korea and US Conduct Second Military Drills

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674 views, 5320 days ago

The U.S. and South Korea conduct military exercises for the second time in less than a month. The apparently 'defensive' drills have fired up anti-war protests in Seoul. The drills are also adding ...

Join the York County Delegation for a Vietnam War Era Veterans Ceremony 01:6

Join the York County Delegation for a Vietnam War Era Veterans Ceremony

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772 views, 5320 days ago

Rep. Scott Perry informs residents of an upcoming Vietnam War Era Veterans' Ceremony.

kim nam gil at military service 00:32

kim nam gil at military service

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698 views, 5320 days ago

kim nam gil at military service

Anti-US base activist talks 反米軍基地活動家の話し Part 1 08:51

Anti-US base activist talks 反米軍基地活動家の話し Part 1

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1752 views, 5320 days ago

Mr. Ashitomi, a leader of anti-US military base movement in Okinawa talks about why people protest construction of newly planned runway(s) for helicopters in Henoko, Okinawa, Japan. Part 1 is envi...

Big Picture Military District of Washington 27:58

Big Picture Military District of Washington

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652 views, 5320 days ago

Big Picture: Military District of Washington - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 2569545 / Local Identifier 111-TV-275 - DVD copied by Katie Filbert. Department of Def...

The Expendables 2010 Complete Full Movie Part 1 10:1

The Expendables 2010 Complete Full Movie Part 1

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1338 views, 5320 days ago

Watch the FULL movie at: http://moviesforyou.notlong.com The Expendables,The Expendables Full movie,download The Expendables,The Expendables download full movie,watch The Expendables full movie Aft...

Big Picture Aid to Nationalist China 27:55

Big Picture Aid to Nationalist China

by vshare
590 views, 5320 days ago

Big Picture: Aid to Nationalist China - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 2569563 / Local Identifier 111-TV-293 - DVD copied by Katie Filbert. Department of Defense. Dep...

64 Lorenzo Brown Has GAME Athletic And Exciting NC State Bound Guard 01:18

64 Lorenzo Brown Has GAME Athletic And Exciting NC State Bound Guard

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908 views, 5320 days ago

Here is NC State bound Lorenzo Brown getting it done this year for Hargrave Military Academy this past season. Lorenzo is underrated as a guard in the 2010 class for his ability to take over and co...

Pakistan flood victims build makeshift transport 02:22

Pakistan flood victims build makeshift transport

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773 views, 5320 days ago

For two weeks many children in Pakistan's Swat valley have been isolated from their parents and the sick unable to get medical help as all the bridges over the river Swat were destroyed by the heav...

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep TrailerTeaser PSP 03:52

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep TrailerTeaser PSP

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1755 views, 5320 days ago

Opened comments back up, but, keep this in mind. I just said, four times now, that this trailer is featured at the end of KH2 Final Mix, it's relevance to Birth by Sleep is why I posted it WITH the...

Saving Private Ryan- Hero - Skillet 03:41

Saving Private Ryan- Hero - Skillet

by vshare
879 views, 5320 days ago

Movie: Saving Private Ryan Song: Hero Artist: Skillet ******YES!!! To everyone that is asking this IS a Christian Based song... but you can also look at it as police officers, fireman... and milita...

BFFs Ron Paul  The US Military 02:42

BFFs Ron Paul The US Military

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612 views, 5320 days ago

I've finally gotten around to making a Ron Paul video. I say finally, because I've been meaning to for a couple months. This is the first political campaign video I've edited. It's pretty tradition...

Top Secret Drum Corps Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2006 05:57

Top Secret Drum Corps Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2006

by vshare
1204 views, 5320 days ago

2009 Tattoo: www.youtube.com I've had numerous requests for this video. You can download it here (83Mb): www.mediafire.com The outstanding Swiss Top Secret Drum Corps recorded at the Edinburgh Mili...

Texas Republican slams Bush demented philosophy of conquest 02:58

Texas Republican slams Bush demented philosophy of conquest

by vshare
730 views, 5320 days ago

Full story at www.thebluestate.com Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) stood his ground and joined the twenty-or-so other Republicans that have decided to vote with the House Democrats in favor of a non-bi...

Fanfara bersaglieri - part 2 06:45

Fanfara bersaglieri - part 2

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699 views, 5320 days ago

Military band representing Italy at the Swedish Military Tattoo 2006 - La fanfara bersaglieri di Bedizzole (BS) ha così rappresentato l'Italia allo Swedish Military Tattoo 2006

Obama is cutting the food stamp program for the Unions 09:19

Obama is cutting the food stamp program for the Unions

by vshare
826 views, 5320 days ago

Obama is cutting the food stamp program for the Unions Brought to you by Bill at Highland Hill farm... Call bill for trees at 215 651 8329 or go to www.digatree.com - Obama is continuing the proces...

Obama Robs the Food Stamp Program 09:19

Obama Robs the Food Stamp Program

by vshare
796 views, 5320 days ago

Obama Robs the Food Stamp Program Brought to you by Bill at Highland Hill farm... Call bill for trees at 215 651 8329 or go to www.digatree.com - Obama is continuing the process of transforming Ame...

Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2010 Diamond Jubilee - Citadel Regimental Band from South Carolina 01:43

Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2010 Diamond Jubilee - Citadel Regimental Band from South Carolina

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1177 views, 5320 days ago

The Citadel Regimental Band, from Charleston, South Carolina, gave an unforgettable performance at the 2010 Tattoo, including the "Hey Baby" song and "When The Saints Go Marching", as well as a fan...

Spyderco military ats34 00:22

Spyderco military ats34

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792 views, 5320 days ago

military in hand a nice oldie 1 of the first types of military

911 The Tip of the Iceberg Part 2 of 2 10:0

911 The Tip of the Iceberg Part 2 of 2

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897 views, 5320 days ago

Hijackers Passport found at WTC, No Black Boxes (Source: Official 9/11 Commission Report) 1) "Suqami's passport survived the attack: a passerby picked it up from the World Trade Center and handed t...