478 views, 5069 days ago
How to wrap your presents in Furoshiki (cloth) to avoid using wrapping paper. Unlike wrapping paper (which usually can't be recycled) Furoshiki can be used again and again. For more information se...
641 views, 5069 days ago
Rekiem skateboards - L'unique fabrique française de skateboards, indépendante et artisanale. L'intégralité de la production est réalisée dans ses locaux en France et le tout est agrémenté d'une dém...
721 views, 5069 days ago
At the DMCA 1201 hearings at the Copyright Office at the Library of Congress, representatives from the MPAA showed a video demonstrating how users can videorecord a TV set. They argue this is an ac...
471 views, 5069 days ago
I made this film in 1979-80 to accompany a SIGGRAPH paper on how to synthesize fractal geometry with a computer. It is the world's first fractal movie. It utilizes 8-10 different fractal generati...
654 views, 5069 days ago
I get asked this question a lot.... "How do you download a video from Vimeo?" Since it's easier to just show the process, rather than write it out, here's a 30 second video. ** Here's another tu...
549 views, 5069 days ago
Here is a tutorial on how to model your balls and scrotum with bonus pubes. http://www.smearballs.com
514 views, 5069 days ago
Watch The Tutorial: http://greyscalegorilla.com/blog/2010/04/reflective-and-refractive-glass-block-tutorial-part-1-cinema-4d/
719 views, 5069 days ago
Personal work. After Effects, mouse logitech :) P.S.: no 3D. MUSIC: Hans Zimmer - 'Attack'. If you like my, see also this, by Pierre Michel: vimeo.com/2286650 Making of Polar studiodaily.com/main/...
558 views, 5069 days ago
In this Blender 2.5 video tutorial we go through the entire process of creating a bright, colorful bunch of balloons. The tutorials covers the modeling, materials, lighting, rendering, and composit...