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Natural Bridal Look ♡


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Added on Apr 18, 2011

Length: 06:39 | Comments: 0

.。.:* Read Me*:.。. Check out the Step by Step version here bit.ly This video will show you how to achieve that natural blushing bride look with a few easy steps. For weddings, avoid high SPF foundations. If your wedding is outdoor, a few hours in the sun without SPF won't harm you because when you go indoors or the reception takes place at night, you may end up with the white ghost face in your photos because of the high SPF formula. Stick with waterproof and long wearing formulas because you're going to receive lots of hugs and kisses. So you want your makeup to be bulletproof. Waterproof mascaras and eyeliners are a must, just in case you might cry. You don't want to end up looking like a Tim Burton character...unless that's what you were going for! Music - ♬ ♪ Clair de Lune by Debussy ♬♪ Fly Me to the Moon by Olivia Ong ► ► iQQU is having a summer sale! Eyeliner for $12.00, Check it out! iqqubeauty.com ► I use IQQU acne serum, it's part of my daily skin care regime to keep my face clear! iqqubeauty.com ♥ Follow me on twitter! ♥ www.twitter.com ♥ If you have a Facebook, please add me! ♥ www.facebook.com All makeup is from Lancome. I didn't want to list all the products because for a wedding, I think it's best for you to find what suits you. I just wanted to offer tips and talk about product formulas. Lipstick by Lancome "Love it" My current favorite color! bit.ly Sorry for the lack of videos. I've been traveling quite a bit, I flew to Paris for a week, back ...

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