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Dash Berlin feat Emma Hewitt - Waiting Official Music Video High Quality


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Added on Jan 14, 2011

Length: 03:24 | Comments: 0

Download this track or the whole 'The New Daylight' album on iTunes: tinyurl.com Download on Beatport: www.beatport.com 2009 has been an exciting year for Dutch producer Jeff Sutorius. Not only did he start the Aropa label at Armada Music and release mega hit 'Man On The Run', he also spend his time working on a first artist album. After a year of hard work, all the Dash Berlin sounds were released on 'The New Daylight', an album that lights all different angles of dance music; trance, progressive, house and even a little slice of techno. 'Waiting' is the highly anticipated third Dash Berlin single off the album. In collaboration with Australian singer Emma Hewitt, who's voice appeared on tracks by Cosmic Gate, Chris Lake and Serge Devant, Dash Berlin brought a sugar sweet trance ballad. Strong and tender at the same time, 'Waiting' hits in with Emma's tear-jerking, angelic vocals and the pure Dash Berlin sound: big room fit, synth-driven and hitting in right where it's supposed to.

Channels: Music  

Tags: Entertainment  Dash  Berlin  feat  Emma  Hewitt  Waiting  Official  Music  Video  Armada 


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