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Added on Feb 22, 2011

Length: 06:14 | Comments: 0

Episode II from the web documentary, Notes from Palestine Visit the site: www.notesfrompalestine.org Victor, Wasim and Joseph were lucky when they were little. Their families had the will and the possibility to support them on their musical studies. Not all the families in West Bank have this possibility. War and occupation of Palestine has a bad effect on the areas economy. Unemployment rates are high. Hobbies such as music are not the top priority for most people. Studying music is expensive, and there's not a lot of teachers around. Victor, Wasim and Joseph want to see a change on this. They want to make music a possibility for the youth by teaching them music for almost or totally free of charge. Now the men are on their way on establishing a non-governmental organization for this purpose. They teach music at The Palestinian Center for Rapprochement every week by using their own methods. They teach theory, practice songs and have formed a band with the students. When this video was shot the kids had played together for five months. Most of them had never played a musical instrument before. See the students perform for the first time!

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: palestinewest  bankweb 


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