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EasyStar #1 : Third Person Video of my first two FPV flights with photos of the setup


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Added on Feb 21, 2011

Length: 03:44 | Comments: 0

This video shows my first two FPV flights with my Multiplex EasyStar. In the first flight I only got about 150m range before the video quality started to break down a lot. This I put down to the video transmitter being mounted directly on the camera and close to the ESC and motor, so for the second flight I built a new mount for the video tx the lifted it clear of the ESC and the range was much better, maybe around 350m. I did not have my Pinnacle Video Transfer when I made these flights so there is no actual FPV footage on this video, but there will be on the next one. In the air equipment: Multiplex EasyStar - aileron modification - WASP 2835 220w brushless inrunner with APC 6x4 prop - WASP 33A ESC - BRC Hobbies 2200mAh 20 3s battery - Futaba R146iP rx - GWS Park servos FirstPersonView.co.uk FPV Kit - KX131 - 2.4Ghz 10mW video tx - powered from flight pack On the ground - Futaba 6EXHP tx - Goscam GP-707 video rx - powered by 1700mAh 3s - VR1400 video goggles

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: FPVFirst  Person  ViewFirst  VideoMultiplex  EasyStarKX131 


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