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Bottomless Soup Bowls - Minimovies: Ig Nobel Prizes (Ep. 5/6)


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Added on Feb 21, 2011

Length: 06:28 | Comments: 0

Watch our MiniMovies in high quality at http://www.minimovies.org Ig Nobel Prizes First Laugh, Then Think! Episode 5: Bottomless soup bowls Brian Wansink explored the seemingly boundless appetites of human beings, by feeding them with a self-refilling bowl of soup. That creative experiment was good enough for the Nutrition price in 2007. Ig Nobel Prizes are the not-so-well-known alternative of the famous Nobel Prizes. Each year since 1989, ten scientists receive prizes for "research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK". Watch six scientists and their studies about the most important subjects of our daily life: having sex, food, money, death, and having sex again. Director Mr. Bahram Sadeghi (1967, Iran) works since 1998 as a director and host for public TV stations in The Netherlands. In addition he is a freelance writer for various national newspapers and weeklies. Mr Sadeghi has no hobbies. Camera & Sound: Bahram Sadeghi Editor: Dikla Zeidler, Sander Cijsouw About Minimovies A Minimovie is an episodic documentary consisting of 5 to 10 episodes. Episodes are 7 to 10 minutes each. Put together, they form a self-contained story. With MiniMovies SubmarineChannel explores a new narrative and visual style of documentary filmmaking. You can watch the Minimovies in high quality at http://www.minimovies.org or simply at your favourite video portal.

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Tags: Ig  Nobel  ChannelBowl  of  SadeghiBottomless  Soup  BowlsSoup  bowlsBrian 


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