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Demon Blue -With Commentary- + question in the info about DJ Hero 2 videos, please read


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 07:55 | Comments: 0

====================================== Follow me on these sites! TWITTER - twitter.com FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com VIDEO BLOGS - www.youtube.com LIVE STREAM - www.ustream.tv BUSINESS EMAIL - azuritereactionbusiness@yahoo.com ====================================== VIDEO INFO: QUESTION: DJ Hero 2 has something called "Power Decks". These Decks are similar to the powerups in Guitar Hero 6, where they give you more points/multiplier, so on. DJ Hero 2 has one deck called the "Rewind Deck", which gives you insane points, but you basically will end up having the song run upwards of 15+ minutes. When DJ Hero 1 came out, I was doing those videos actually attempting to get high scores, so I did rewinds like crazy on them. With this new game, the only way i'm going to even be able to attempt high scores is with the rewind deck, which means more rewinds, and a much longer video. So my question to you all is this: would you rather I do DJ Hero 2 videos WITHOUT using rewinds (still aiming to play well on the song though), or would you rather I do it USING rewinds? ---------------------------------------------------- Yeah, I guess this month's commentary theme is games that are weird/trippy or scary/horror based, or both. This was actually the first game that made me want to do commentary videos, but I put it off until now, mainly because I thought it might be TOO odd for my first try at commentary videos.

Channels: Weird Videos  



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