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I will love you Monday (365)


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Added on Jan 25, 2011

Length: 03:22 | Comments: 0

AURA DIONE The music is a rush that Ive chosen to dedicate my life to. With music I feel alive, everything else is just waiting for the next song to begin Im a loner, Im hard working, Im sensitive and intense. Im curious. And open. I pursue my passions. I have lots of self irony and Im not afraid of being the joke or look stupid, I just wanna have fun. I hate narrow minded people and loves to dance alone. Ive walked through a desert, Ive caressed loneliness. Ive filled my life with parties and let my door open. Im testing and trying life. I write music about freeing one self, I speak from the heart and I try to be as open as possible, I want to create togetherness. I write about subjects like incest, suicide, prostitution, homosexuality, and what it must be like to have a dick. But also simple love songs and poems. I want to bring it all, no censorship. Ill camouflage it in simple pop melodies and hope that it will reach the masses. I write with humour and irony and with a wish to make a positive difference with my music and my voice, my life, while Im here. Im a wild child, a gypsie, a hippie kid, a fashion rebel. Im Pocahontas meets Flashdance. I hope to radiate a hardcore power that peels on the surface with a pretty exterior. Ive travelled the world, started early with my parents on a boat. I dropped outta high school to follow my dream. I went to Australia when I was 17 years old to play music. Ive been hanging out with everything from billionaires and Candance ...

Channels: Weird Videos  

Tags: MusicAura  DioneAuraI  will  love  you  Monday365Music  for  DreamsMusic 


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