Added on Jan 25, 2011
Length: 02:14 | Comments: 0
mp3: Well, you've waited, and here it is! The next installment of the Dr. Octagonapus music videos. Compared to the popularity of the first one in relation to its quality, this one should get several Grammys and a Nobel Prize. The background music is called "Heavenly Star." I got the instrumental version. Here's the mp3 of JUST the background music: Lyrics: Ooh Ooh Ooh, a magic lamp! *rub* *ding* DR. OCTAGONAPUS Ooh! Ooh-Ooh Ooh! I've never seen a genie like THIS before, before! DR. OCTAGONAPUS BL- Okay, don't talk, I'm your master now, I'm your master now! ..... Doc... Fooor myyyy fiiiirst wiiish... Chorus DR. OCTAGONAPUS BLAHHH BLAHHH DR. OCTAGONAPUS BLAH BLAH BLAHHH DR. OCTA MOTHER F(beep)IN GONAPUS BLAHHH DR. OCTA MOTHER F(beep)IN BLAH-BLAH BLAHHH DR. OC, DR. OC, DR. OC BLAHH DR. OC, DR. OC..... BLAH BLAH DR. OC, DR. OC, DR. OC BLAHH DR. OC, DR. OC, BLAH BLAH-BLAHHH DR. OCTAGONAPUS x7 (fade out) BLAH BLAH Are you detective Randal? Yeah yeah-yeah that's me. Chief's got your first case. Finally... finally. There's been a string of deaths, reports of explosions, and yelling. What are we thinking? Murder? Not likely, but possible. The weird thing is the bodies show traces of pure energy.... Energy, energy, show traces of pure energy (Odd...) Odd is a big-toed tadpole tadpole, tainted by the tides of a dawn since passed. Odd is Benjamin Franklin playing tether-ball with Van Helsing. ODD is a traveling naked contortionist breaking his ...
Channels: Weird Videos