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KNEECAM No1 - the original Technoviking tape from 2000


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Added on Dec 25, 2010

Length: 04:1 | Comments: 0

My Technoviking video is blocked here by annontiations because there is a legal problem with the clip's protagonist which is still unsolved. The block will stay like that untill it is hopefully solved one day. For more details goto: http://subrealic.net/works/installation/technoviking-archiv/ Some of the best Technoviking re-enactments and the new clip "We, Technoviking" on http://technoviking.tv here is the funny remix by Jonny Reality: The End of the World Party Technoviking Style http://www.vimeo.com/13422976 To listen to the original track no.1 goto Freak17383: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5QAVt_Uf3o "J.T.S. - Nog Een Keer" sounds like the second song but it was released 3 years after the video was shot. You can download the great remixes from Benji3o3 http://www.myspace.com/benji3o3 and ApacheeX http://www.mikmik.at/?goto=tecvic/tecvic.php&comview=1 For all who are interested in video web art projects: Please check out my open music video project MUSIC FROM THE MASSES on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/subrealic Users from the Web2.0 submitted their own interpretation to a silent music video. Please rate and participate with your own soundtrack!

Channels: Funny  

Tags: Film  we  Technoviking  Berlin  Mitte  Kneecam  Techno  Viking  internet  meme  cult  Fuckparade  2000  Videoart  subrealic  musicfromthemasses 


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