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Added on Oct 23, 2010

Length: 07:32 | Comments: 0

DCSHOES.COM/GYMKHANATWO Riding on the success of the first Gymkhana Practice video that grabbed the attention of over 20 million viewers worldwide, the Gymkhana TWO video takes infomercials to the next level. Unlike other infomercials, this one sells the products with great action, cinematography, and a dramatic driving performance—and, no stereotypical cheesy informercial pitchman! Produced specifically to market Blocks first-ever Rally TeamWorks Collection, the new video is filled with great driving stunts, surprises, explosions, and a guest appearance from DC team rider, Rob Dyrdek. Filmed at the Port of Los Angeles, expect non-stop motor sport eye-candy as Block hits the all-new course in a custom tuned, high performance, and brand-new Subaru Impreza WRX STI. Visit dcshoes.com/gymkhanatwo for more photos and info on the high-performance video and Blocks complete Teamworks Collection.

Channels: Sports  

Tags: Autos  Ken  Block  Gymkhana  DC  Shoes  Rally  Subaru  STI  racing  jump  Impreza  WRX  Mad  Media  Segway  donut  team  USA  drift  drifting  BFG  060  Magazine  Rob  Dyrdek  Jason  Ellis  Monster  Goodrich  TWO  Project  Infomercial 


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