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Promise The Stars 9


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 00:21 | Comments: 0

"Hello," I said. "Hey," she chirped. "It's me and Dani." "Hi," I said. "What's up?" "We were just here chilling. And you came up so we decided to call you. What are you upto?" "I am doing homework," I groaned. They laughed. "Nick told us you met up with him today. No fair, why couldn't we see you?" "You could have come, I guess. It wasn't all exclusive. Just lunch." "He said he's meeting you later too," she said. "Yes," I replied. "We're going clubbing. You guys should come then." "We'll see," she said. "We wouldn't want to intrude on your date with Nick." She was teasing, I know. But it kind of struck out and I remembered he wasn't single. "Oh, it's nothing like that," I commented. She laughed. "I know. I'm just fooling. Anyways, maybe we'll show up. Although, Dani is making dinner tonight so we wouldn't want to ditch her." "Aw." "Anyway, I'll let you get back to your work. Talk to you later?" "For sure. Bye," I said hanging up. I met Nick by the doors of Club 21. He was wearing tight jeans and a navy blue v-neck tee shirt with a leather jacket over. His hair was a mess something out of the unusual. I walked over and he grinned at me. For a second, I hoped I looked okay. I was wearing my signature black dress with a pair of purple converse. I know it didn't matter because he had a girlfriend but I still wanted him to like it. "Hey," I said. "You ready?" "Yeah,' he said. We got in very easily into the club and the place was booming. They were playing the Black Eyed Peas and everyone was out on the dance floor. Nick wanted to dance but I refused saying I wasn't drunk enough to dance yet. I was uncoordinated and it was not going to be cool if he saw me. We went to the bar and each ordered ourselves beer. "Does Emma know you're here?" I asked him all of a sudden. He shook his head, being honest. I nodded and he opened his mouth to explain but then closed and then opened it again. "Here's the thing with Emma. She's a jealous person. And that doesn't give me room to breathe. I love her. I don't want to lose her. But neither do I want to lose my freedom. So, I try to do things I know isn't right to keep both of them balanced." I nodded my head and looked down. "She doesn't trust you?" "It's not that," he said. "She thinks any girl who passes by me would be in love with me." I laughed and he cocked an eyebrow. "So you're saying you didn't fall in love with me the minute you laid your eyes on me yesterday?" "No. I didn't. Sorry to rain on your parade." "You so did. I mean, I saw you staring at me." "As if you weren't staring back." "I wasn't." "Whatever, Nick. Stop flirting," I said smirking. He made a face and drank up his 2nd beer. I went on to my third. "She should trust you. You seem very devoted to her and I doubt you'd hurt her. I mean you're a good guy, except when you flirt with me." "I do not flirt with you," he said. "You do. Unless this is how you naturally talk to all girls," I said with a smirk. He stuck his tongue out and we laughed. Throughout the night, Nick and I got to know each other through more and more beer. Our likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, fears, and dreams poured out of our hearts as we got more and more comfortable with each other. It was easy with him for some weird reason. He made it easy. We were pretty much drunk after about 2-3 hours and Nick looked insanely cute sitting there just looking all dopey. "You wanna dance, Nicholas?" I asked him after a while. He nodded his head very excited. I slipped off of my stool and staggered towards the dance floor before I realized I was going to fall. Nick caught me by my hand and helped me. "Thank you," I said. He nodded as he looked like he just came back from war. I laughed and we descended down to the dance floor. "Sexy Bitch" was blasting from the speakers and Nick and I gyrated to the music. I felt myself getting more and more comfortable with the situation. I kept forgetting Nick had a girlfriend and kept getting closer to him as we danced. He wasn't fighting it either. His hands somehow made their way to my tiny waist as I grinded against him. Halfway through the song he started laughing and I turned around and cracked up. For what reason, I didn't know but we laughed and danced some more. My head buzzed as I tried not to wake up. But the surroundings around me were much too unfamiliar. I cracked an eye open and myself lying down on white sheets and tons and tons of pillows around me. I opened the other eye and found myself in a huge bedroom. It was insanely huge. Not like oh, this is a pretty big room. It was huge. I opened my eyes and turned around. Nick was lying down next to me. HOLY SHIT!

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Entertainment  promise  the  stars  nine  xxrawrchick92xx 


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