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【Miku Miku Dance】Epic Love Joy


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 04:27 | Comments: 0

***Okies~!*** No one has stolen this EXACT video lately...That I know of xD and just so you people know, I didn't come up with this dance! It feels like people think I made this dance up when I really didn't. I'm not epic enough to Come up with a dance like this xD **old UPDATE** PMD tutorial has been uploaded for some time now. and I've uploaded the models to mediafire. www.mediafire.com note: they are glitcy, so please dont complain... and if ANYONE coments saying "OH, MY MODELS DON'T HAVE EYES" or "AW, MY MINI TETO DOESN'T HAVE ANY COLOR!" then you are going to be ignored. because that's what the "README" is meant for, README although, if you have read the "readme" and are still having prolems, I will help you with that! :3 anyway,I hope to see these model's used in video's! and they do not work with version 5. I made these a long time ago. before version 4 was even out! the reason is that I've just been ignoring this video, I don't know why though, it's my most popular video! 25000 veiws!? That's insane! XD edit (again): 30000 Views!? that's amazing! thank you! X3 Edit (yet again): 45000 VIEWS!!! HOLY SHIZ, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH YOU ARE ALL AWESOME!!!! :'D and a lot of people are wondering about the video in the background, so heres you answer! I made the video in the background a long time ago, well, around April 9th I think. anyway, this video is the first video that keko was ever in, and it was supposed to be the ONLY video she was going to be in. but then people ...

Channels: Weird Videos  

Tags: Music  Vocaloid  miku  hatsune  dance  teto  kasane  Rin  kagamine  len  KAITO  MEIKO  sakine  little  chibi  kid  version  model  PMD  editor  3D  animation  Love  and  joy  Yuki 


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