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My Sailor Moon Eternal fan made Henshin 80 complete - FINAL PREVIEW


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 00:51 | Comments: 0

Ok, I will complete my fan made henshin the next month. I need to take a break, and go back to my usual hobbies, like video games lol. thank you for watching :-P. Haha, it's almost done, sorry to keep you waiting lol And some notes: - I'm not a professional, I generally sucks with computers, but I managed to do this...that is so weird. - I used paint shop pro 5 and animation shop.(old version) - I draw with a tablet pen. - I don't trace over / copy / color over or use animations from others anime (I don't even know how to do that), I want to be original, so all the drawing are from me. - This is, yet, not the final version of my henshin: I will probably include some stuffs in the final version, like some feathers, more frames, some corrections to the current drawings, a better design for my sucky broch lol. And big props to Moonaticfairy and xkazuo, my first watchers and suscribers ^^, during my first steps, I didn't expect people showing already interests so soon, that was so kind from you.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: Film  sailor  moon  eternal  henshin  transformation  fan  made 


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