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Sailor Moon Transformation


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Added on Apr 18, 2011

Length: 09:47 | Comments: 0

WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO. Special ending. Remember Sailor Moon? She was my hero, and she was one of the biggest reason why I loved waking up early to watch her shows on TV right before school. I was inspired to draw Anime after Sailor Moon. Heck, it inspired me to LOVE anime. Naoko Takeuchi If you are watching or reading this, thank you so much for creating a hero for all of us girls to look up to. I dream of meeting you one day. I would probably cry because you are one of my biggest inspiration. Arigato! My photo I took with my webcam here xd8.xanga.com I love the manga, the artwork and the storyline of Sailor Moon. How she has wonderful friends, her tuxedo mask and an amazing journey to save the world. Every girl can be a super hero now. All you need is an eyeliner and meatball hair. This is perfect for Halloween, cosplaying any anime character like Chobits, Death Note, Naruto, even Final Fantasy characters like Tifa. If you want a more toned down anime eyes, check out my older one here www.youtube.com I saved this song for 8 months. Just to use for this tutorial. It's so special to me, and I thank Dee for her wonderful music. It wouldn't be the same without it. Music by Dee Robers "Let Love Begin" & "I Believe" Purchase her music here store.ultrarecords.com Let Love Begin Extended Version Check out more of her amazing music here www.myspace.com I use IQQU acne serum, it's part of my daily skin care regime. Works for me and my brother who has adult acne (well he doesn't ...

Channels: Education & Instructional  

Tags: Howtosailor 


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