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Inauguracion de Non Omnis Moriar en Apodaca 2


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 08:58 | Comments: 0

Gracias al apoyo del Lic Ramiro EStrada en Apodaca Nuevo León Pudimos comenzar con el pie derecho nuestras exposiciónes simultaneas. Contando con obra de Armando Alanis Luis Irigoyen Edgar Bocanegra Roberto Ruiz Ricardo Guerra Daniel Martinez Del Bosque Davit Cazares Norberto Salazar Aldo Sanchez It is a pitty that the people at my Country are so ignorant that prefer to have me working as a trained monkey rather than teaching my techniques before arthritis take the major bet. Who uploaded this video and why? cronosbeta.foros.st I am Aldo Sánchez. I took the risk of creating a group of young artists, back in 1997, but my origins are far longer than that. I hope this can help you to understand the way I think and why I fight so much to keep the magic running in the young people. I wish that you drop a line or two and visit our forums. I'll ever be here to answer any comment or question. If you are interested on -Clay Modelling -Claymation -Special Effects -Movies -TV Shows -Anime and Manga Art -Cartoon -Sculpture -Literature -Comic books -Sci-Fi,Horror and Fantasy -Literature -Music and tho mood of the 60's, 70's 80's and 90's And every expression of culture and art. Then, you're at the right place Aldo Rodrigo Sánchez Tovar Founder of CRONOS Tiempo de Todo! "My heart burns Fight forever In front of the steel Upcomming eyes Will know the story" You may take a look also in: www.picturetrail.com www.myspace.com Soy Aldo Sánchez Tomé el riesgo de crear un grupo de jóvenes ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: People  CRONOS  Tiempo  de  Todo  Aldo  Sanchez  Edgar  Bocanegra  Ayala  Herrero  Armando  Alanis  Ricardo  Guerr 


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