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Video Reply to 1957stans comment on Does Eating Meat Make YOU Manly


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Added on Sep 17, 2010

Length: 06:58 | Comments: 0

while ago I made a video called, "Does Eating Meat Make YOU Manly?"(www.youtube.com In the video I argue that eating meat makes one less manly because a diet high in animal products is associated with higher rates of impotence and prostate cancer and that meat eaters have lower testosterone levels than vegans. I just received a comment on that video from someone called 1957stan. He said, "Yep, I need a carrot head telling me what a man is? What a joke.. Just go on with your feeble existence ok? Here is a news flash for ya moron... There are just as many cancer agents in your food as there are in mine.. Unless you grow everything you eat there are no exceptions." This video is my response to 1957stan. 1957stan, I can tell my video hit a nerve with you because you start out with name calling and insults, "carrot head, feeble existence, moron." I am not sure how this furthers your argument, but I am sure it makes you feel more manly to degrade those with whom you disagree. In my experience when people resort to name calling and insults it is because they feel threatened and lack any evidence to support their own position. After you are finished with the name calling and insults and finally get to your argument you state that, "There are just as many cancer agents in your food as there are in mine.. Unless you grow everything you eat there are no exceptions." While this has little to do with the argument of whether or not eating meat makes you manly, it is worth responding to ...

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: People  vegan  health  food  animals  meat  argument  hunting  killing  prostate  cancer  heart  disease  impotence 


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