How To Dice An Onion 02:01

How To Dice An Onion

by vshare
558 views, 5133 days ago

How To Dice An Onion

Furoshiki gift wrapping 02:45

Furoshiki gift wrapping

by vshare
493 views, 5133 days ago

How to wrap your presents in Furoshiki (cloth) to avoid using wrapping paper. Unlike wrapping paper (which usually can't be recycled) Furoshiki can be used again and again. For more information se...

Rekiem skateboard how to make a board 03:06

Rekiem skateboard how to make a board

by vshare
657 views, 5133 days ago

Rekiem skateboards - L'unique fabrique française de skateboards, indépendante et artisanale. L'intégralité de la production est réalisée dans ses locaux en France et le tout est agrémenté d'une dém...

MPAA shows how to videorecord a TV set 04:18

MPAA shows how to videorecord a TV set

by vshare
742 views, 5133 days ago

At the DMCA 1201 hearings at the Copyright Office at the Library of Congress, representatives from the MPAA showed a video demonstrating how users can videorecord a TV set. They argue this is an ac...

Vol Libre 02:06

Vol Libre

by vshare
489 views, 5133 days ago

I made this film in 1979-80 to accompany a SIGGRAPH paper on how to synthesize fractal geometry with a computer. It is the world's first fractal movie. It utilizes 8-10 different fractal generati...

How To Download A Video From Vimeo 00:30

How To Download A Video From Vimeo

by vshare
679 views, 5133 days ago

I get asked this question a lot.... "How do you download a video from Vimeo?" Since it's easier to just show the process, rather than write it out, here's a 30 second video. ** Here's another tu...

Cinema 4D tutorial - Balls Mapping 05:46

Cinema 4D tutorial - Balls Mapping

by vshare
577 views, 5133 days ago

Here is a tutorial on how to model your balls and scrotum with bonus pubes. http://www.smearballs.com

Glass Block Final Render 00:07

Glass Block Final Render

by vshare
538 views, 5133 days ago

Watch The Tutorial: http://greyscalegorilla.com/blog/2010/04/reflective-and-refractive-glass-block-tutorial-part-1-cinema-4d/

awesome rain 01:30

awesome rain

by vshare
736 views, 5133 days ago

Personal work. After Effects, mouse logitech :) P.S.: no 3D. MUSIC: Hans Zimmer - 'Attack'. If you like my, see also this, by Pierre Michel: vimeo.com/2286650 Making of Polar studiodaily.com/main/...

Creating a Bunch of Balloons 49:15

Creating a Bunch of Balloons

by vshare
574 views, 5133 days ago

In this Blender 2.5 video tutorial we go through the entire process of creating a bright, colorful bunch of balloons. The tutorials covers the modeling, materials, lighting, rendering, and composit...

YWAM Arts 02:07


by vshare
529 views, 5133 days ago


Fine Arts 43:00

Fine Arts

by vshare
542 views, 5133 days ago

Here is a show that appears on PBS-Charleston featuring my boss, Melina Danko and Helen Panzironi explaining the benefits of the fine arts program at the non-profit Center for Excellence in Disabil...

Arts & Foolin 02:08

Arts & Foolin

by vshare
538 views, 5133 days ago

We've been doing a lot of walking lately and these are some clips of the things we've run into while we've been wandering. It starts off with people laying around in an inflatable dome that's part ...

Speedo Slope Glider 03:54

Speedo Slope Glider

by vshare
557 views, 5133 days ago

A few months ago I went shopping for a slope glider and found this 1,2M Speedo at R2hobbies.com. Looked very nice, but I was skeptical that a sub $50 glider could fly well... I read some positive r...

Dead Drops 'How to' - NYC 05:43

Dead Drops 'How to' - NYC

by vshare
455 views, 5133 days ago

http://deaddrops.com/ ‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. USB flash drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs accessable to anybody ...

Macbook Pro HDD switch in HD 02:44

Macbook Pro HDD switch in HD

by vshare
496 views, 5133 days ago

Macbook Pro HDD switch in HD ;-) It took me app. 40min to rip open my precious macbook pro and give it new HDD. It was neither hard nor easy - something in between ;-). Now i enjoy 320gb of storage...

05-MissionaryComplete 02:34


by vshare
530 views, 5133 days ago


How To: Implement Facebook Connect on the iPhone in 5 minutes 04:46

How To: Implement Facebook Connect on the iPhone in 5 minutes

by vshare
647 views, 5133 days ago

Joe Hewitt and Pete Bratach show you how to implement Facebook Connect on the iPhone in 5 minutes.

Transformers titles in Cinema 4D tutorial 37:15

Transformers titles in Cinema 4D tutorial

by vshare
2488 views, 5133 days ago

This is a simple setup for imitation of the Transformers effect in Cinema 4D using Explosion FX. DOWNLOAD the Cinema 4D files at : http://www.amateurmedia.net/transformers-titles-in-cinema-4d/

Slo–Mo Cloth in Cinema4D 10:06

Slo–Mo Cloth in Cinema4D

by vshare
421 views, 5133 days ago

This quick tip by Tim Clapham from www.luxx.com.au demonstrates a method of slowing down your cloth simulations. This method can be used with various other animation techniques that involve defo...