Jaguar vs crocodile 01:16

Jaguar vs crocodile

by jenny23
755 views, 5325 days ago

Jaguar vs crocodile

Baby Survives After Train Hits Pram In Melbourne 01:34

Baby Survives After Train Hits Pram In Melbourne

by vshare
889 views, 5325 days ago

The CCTV footage shows a baby's pram rolling off a train platform as the mother makes a desperate lunge to save her son, but she is too late and it tumbles on to the rails in front of an incoming t...

Near misses 03:12

Near misses

by jenny23
808 views, 5325 days ago

several videos of near miss accidents

Dramatic Look 00:5

Dramatic Look

by vshare
850 views, 5326 days ago

i've made some merch for you to spend your hard earned dollars on... http://www.cafepress.com/sleepingplanet i'm wearing a prairie dog thong right now... ewwwww Original description: take a bit of...

Justin Bieber gets hit by a water bottle 00:25

Justin Bieber gets hit by a water bottle

by vshare
880 views, 5326 days ago

Wanna see the craziest t-shirts EVER?! http://tshirthell.com/store/clicks.php?partner=rnattuh they have a t-shirt with a drawing of Justin Bieber bald and it says "SHAVED BIEBER" lol link for that ...

Justin Bieber Gets Nailed By a Water Bottle 00:25

Justin Bieber Gets Nailed By a Water Bottle

by vshare
1109 views, 5326 days ago

http://tshirthell.com/store/clicks.php?partner=Zetanian Justin Bieber stops a flying water bottle with his head.

scary 00:23


by vshare
783 views, 5326 days ago

stupid scary stuff



by vshare
868 views, 5326 days ago

MY FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/raywilliamjohnson TWITTER: https://twitter.com/RayWJ Equals Three t-shirts are here: http://districtlin.es/ray The outro song "Stalkin' Your Mom" is w...

The Big Bang 2 03:01

The Big Bang 2

by vshare
702 views, 5326 days ago

The Big Bang 2 Download The Ultimate Video Downloader - Download all your favorite videos to your phone or your computer and watch it when ever you want. Click on the below link. http://altur...

Call of Duty Black Ops - Multiplayer Teaser 01:25

Call of Duty Black Ops - Multiplayer Teaser

by vshare
1171 views, 5326 days ago

Call of Duty: Black Ops - Multiplayer Teaser. WATCH IN HD.

Jigsaws Overview

by vshare
602 views, 5327 days ago

Recently our stores can present many modern electric hand tools, which can be used at home to process wooden material. One of the most popular tools is a jigsaw. The main purpose of this instrument...

Alpedrete sostenible 2006PASEO FOTOGRÁFICO

by vshare
656 views, 5327 days ago

Cuarto video de la plataforma ciudadana Alpedrete sostenible, que pretende paralizar el PGOU desarrollado por el actual grupo politico ( Partido Popular ) que gobierna en este ayuntamiento ya que c...

Real Fans of Genius-- Mr Anime-Cosplayer Guy

by vshare
1112 views, 5327 days ago

This is a convention twist on the popular Budweiser commercials :)

Elmo Prank Call

by vshare
688 views, 5327 days ago

Elmo calls a pharmacist. To answer a very popular question...This is a different pharmacist than the Kermit call...And a different pharmacy.

Willie Nelson - Mamas Dont Let Your Babies

by vshare
741 views, 5327 days ago

Willie Hugh Nelson was born April 30, 1933. He is an American country singer songwriter, author, poet, actor and activist. Willie reached his greatest fame during the outlaw country movement of the...

The Holiness Of God - Josh McDowell - Truth To Go

by vshare
713 views, 5327 days ago

Josh is one of the most articulate and popular youth speakers today, having spoken to more than seven million young people in 78 countries. He has authored many books and been featured in films, on...

Dance Fitness Workout for Beginners Tahitian Hip Hop DVD

by vshare
730 views, 5327 days ago

BUY THIS DVD @ www.cypherstyles.com Tahitian Hip Hop Kili welcomes you to Hawaii, her beautiful homeland, for a workout that will shake up your regular routine. Tahitian Hip Hop, part of the popula...

Maisa diz pro Silvio Santos - Vaca é a sua Mãe Silvio - 26102008

by vshare
866 views, 5327 days ago

Maisa no Programa Silvio Santos na Íntegra - 26/10/2008 Parte 1 - br.youtube.com Parte 2 - br.youtube.com O vídeo mais popular de todos os tempos da Maisa do Youtube!

Requiem For A Dream on Grand Piano

by vshare
958 views, 5327 days ago

SHEET MUSIC HERE!!!! Page 1: i25.photobucket.com Page 2: i25.photobucket.com PLEASE PRINT AND REVIEW THESE! If you would, number the measures (the vertical bars that divide the music), as these are...

Pancakes II Pancakes for your face

by vshare
651 views, 5327 days ago

5th of February 2008 is pancake day - make sure to celebrate it by cooking up a batch of pancakes, and trying some new toppings. Visit www.welovepancakes.com for recipe ideas and a breif history on...