Fruits basket TV Randomness 2 02:29

Fruits basket TV Randomness 2

by vshare
798 views, 5162 days ago

EDIT: darn...I forgot to say where one of the audio clips come from. *shrugs* oh well, I guess you guys could guess if you want. Phew! I finally made another vid! My comp saved it kinda weird, so i...

KH2FM - Sora Bodyguards 10:34

KH2FM - Sora Bodyguards

by vshare
469 views, 5162 days ago

Download: www.megaupload.com Sora Bodyguards, the finest bodyguards money can buy. Assassins, ninjas, Terras, benches, you name it, they can destroy it. And you get all 10 Sora Bodyguards for the s...

The Fearless Flying Frog Brigade - One Better 05:59

The Fearless Flying Frog Brigade - One Better

by vshare
669 views, 5162 days ago

The song One Better by Les Claypool, i'm not really sure if that is Primus or not playing with him... And the pic has nothing to do with the song, but this song reminds me of that Dinosaur for some...

A Troyella story episode 69 - A New Couple 08:58

A Troyella story episode 69 - A New Couple

by vshare
550 views, 5162 days ago

Hi! I hope you like it! I know this is very odd and weird but I hope you like it! And to the people who dont like my series, just dont watch cause it you would only waiste your time because of hati...

Baby with weird Happy Birthday voice 02:57

Baby with weird Happy Birthday voice

by vshare
623 views, 5162 days ago

This one-year-old decided to say "Happy Birthday" in a really weird voice... and wouldn't stop!!! Very odd and funny.



by vshare
478 views, 5162 days ago

AUGUST BURNS RED on CAPITAL CHAOS 2009 Club Retro~Orangevale, California 9/23/2009 also on the bill were THE ACACIA STRAIN, IMPENDING DOOM, MY CHILDREN MY BRIDE. August Burns Red is an American Met...

Weird sex:animals,dolphins and humans and business dingery 07:25

Weird sex:animals,dolphins and humans and business dingery

by vshare
2421 views, 5162 days ago

Weird sex:dolphins and humans and business dingery. I have odd things to say about animal sex with humans. and find out what odd and weird laws i have found.

The Frightening - Weird Boys Shower Scene + Funny Death Scene Feat Matt Twining & Dan Carlson 03:14

The Frightening - Weird Boys Shower Scene + Funny Death Scene Feat Matt Twining & Dan Carlson

by vshare
877 views, 5162 days ago

David Decoteau has some of the funniest scenes involving young adult males in his movies lol. That close up of the men's shower scene is awkward but the fact that they have no change room and finis...

TeQuiiLa SHoTZz | MW2 Weird Custom Classes Names! 04:56

TeQuiiLa SHoTZz | MW2 Weird Custom Classes Names!

by vshare
683 views, 5162 days ago

Few people was wondering from watching my Glitch tutorial why I got such odd names for my classes. No idea how some of you guys notice such a tiny clip but here is why I called the classes what the...

Guitar Hero World Tour Crazy Train (Full Expert Band PS3) 05:29

Guitar Hero World Tour Crazy Train (Full Expert Band PS3)

by vshare
716 views, 5162 days ago

ROFLCOPTERS At the beginning of this song for me. Ok This was requested by someone and I'd assure to them that I would do the request. Here is his channel: www.youtube.com Yeah, This was fun. The o...

Gay Leprechaun: Surprise in the Woods! 03:11

Gay Leprechaun: Surprise in the Woods!

by vshare
785 views, 5162 days ago

Want his pot o' gold? You'll have to give him something in return. SUB for more episodes on both channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com See OUTTAKES here: www.youtube.com GAY LEPRECHAUN Created ...

Disco Dancer - 5 02:47

Disco Dancer - 5

by vshare
515 views, 5162 days ago

It all begins with Jimmy as a little boy -- performing on the streets of Bombay along with Rajesh Khanna (in what is billed as a "friendly appearance") -- their guitar and drums entertaining the wh...

Daddy Like Bonding Time 01:38

Daddy Like Bonding Time

by vshare
497 views, 5162 days ago

Dad and his little girl spend some quality time camping in their new Sienna and watching movies on the available Dual-View Entertainment Center. To learn about the features shown in the videos, vis...

Omikron- The nomad soul playthrough part 1 08:25

Omikron- The nomad soul playthrough part 1

by vshare
443 views, 5162 days ago

OMFG it works!!!???? i think the worlds about to blow! it doesn't work on my old pc with xp and a 8600gt but does work on my new pc with vista and a GTX285! figure that one out O_o (EDIT: It also a...

Haruhi Suzumiya's Fight Club 02:36

Haruhi Suzumiya's Fight Club

by vshare
781 views, 5162 days ago

Fight Club trailer The first rule of the SOS Brigade is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE SOS BRIGADE!! In my mind the two run parallel so closely together that it's scary. Average guy is bored with life, ...

Barcelona's Park Guell 05:31

Barcelona's Park Guell

by vshare
612 views, 5162 days ago

www.tourvideos.com Visit Barcelona in pursuit of architectural masterpieces created by Antoni Gaudi, and one of the best is his phantasmagoric Park Guell, a whimsical whirl of colored ceramics, scu...

Strange - Google Earth - details in (more info) 03:48

Strange - Google Earth - details in (more info)

by vshare
594 views, 5162 days ago

People are Strange by Johnny Hollow www.theartofmypetskeleton.com www.johnnyhollowmusic.com Strange Letters in Rouen 49°25'34.00"N, 1° 5'52.26"E Unreal Star Wars Incom T-65B X-Wing at Disneyland Pa...

Dagi Stylus on Apple Ipad and Sketchbook Pro 08:08

Dagi Stylus on Apple Ipad and Sketchbook Pro

by vshare
1010 views, 5162 days ago

I had heard of a new pen in the market for capacitive screens, such as the apple ipad/iphone and itouch. I had been using the pogo for everything but was up to try something new. A friend mentioned...

Feliz Navidad!! (Xmas insomniaX vlog) 05:20

Feliz Navidad!! (Xmas insomniaX vlog)

by vshare
508 views, 5162 days ago

Xmas insomniaX is an annual charity event done on blogtv during the christmas season! This year I organized it all and invited blogtv regulars: brendyntv, justintr, soopavillain, danaijalexandar as...

STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl: WTF Moments 06:43

STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl: WTF Moments

by vshare
469 views, 5162 days ago

Weird things that happened to me during the game. Oh and at 0:07, I know there's hanging anomaly there, just that it's the only place i know where it actually hurts you. You see them in a lot of ot...