Boardwalk Empire VFX Breakdowns of Season 1 04:03

Boardwalk Empire VFX Breakdowns of Season 1

by vshare
650 views, 5134 days ago

Brainstorm Digital's before and after shots from season 1 of HBO's hit series "Boardwalk Empire". (courtesy of Home Box Office, Inc) www.brainstorm-digital.com. Twitter: BrainstormVFX. ***WINNER OF...

This Is Where We Live 02:47

This Is Where We Live

by vshare
675 views, 5134 days ago

Welcome to our city - to our world - of books. This is where we live. A film for 4th Estate Publishers' 25th Anniversary. Produced by Apt Studio and Asylum Films. The film was produced in stop-mo...

Tutorial 2-Cinematography / Film Look / Lighting / Shot Design 09:50

Tutorial 2-Cinematography / Film Look / Lighting / Shot Design

by vshare
674 views, 5134 days ago

Click to Tweet: http://bit.ly/gu0lOG Learn what makes great looking images in film, music videos etc. It's not always the camera but how you design the shots. In this second tutorial I try to expl...

The Moments Between, Episode 1:  Japan 05:11

The Moments Between, Episode 1: Japan

by vshare
560 views, 5134 days ago

Some clever commenter called this "Stuck In Motion." I like it, so it stuck! hehe... Anyway, I did a full explanation of how I made this video at http://www.stuckincustoms.com/stuckinmotion/ I...

DIY bokeh 04:08

DIY bokeh

by vshare
439 views, 5134 days ago

How to make that cardboard hood to assist you in making your own custom bokeh when shooting images. More info here: http://eirikso.com/2008/01/08/an-impressive-yet-simple-photographic-effect/

How To Destroy Angels: The Space in Between [HD] 03:35

How To Destroy Angels: The Space in Between [HD]

by vshare
610 views, 5134 days ago

Official music video for "The Space in Between," from How To Destroy Angels' forthcoming self-titled EP. Directed by Rupert Sanders. http://howtodestroyangels.com

GSG Cast: Intro to After Effects 19:30

GSG Cast: Intro to After Effects

by vshare
511 views, 5134 days ago

after effects,tutorial,animation,adobe

How to make a fake tilt shift timelapse 06:44

How to make a fake tilt shift timelapse

by vshare
583 views, 5134 days ago

Tutorial using Redgiant Software's Magic Bullet Looks. 20% off at www.redgiantsoftware.com with code bloom20 www.philipbloom.net

My Interests and How I Think, part 1 11:56

My Interests and How I Think, part 1

by vshare
481 views, 5134 days ago

Interrupted by my roommate - which is why I don't address everything I say I will.



by vshare
593 views, 5134 days ago


Super Yachts = 00:41

Super Yachts = "Vanishing" = "Amazing True Story" = Carroll Global Marine Trust Interests

by vshare
597 views, 5134 days ago

The Carroll Marine Global Corporation is the civilian and military marine arm of the Carroll Global Corporation which is an underlying main structure of the Carroll Foundation Charitable Trust worl...

Proximos Estrenos 2011 03:48

Proximos Estrenos 2011

by vshare
625 views, 5134 days ago

Thor, Capitán América, Piratas del Caribe, Transformers, KungFu Panda entre otros seran los filmes que veremos durante este 2011.

START 2010 = Russia America AXIS US Capitol Hill Congress Carroll Maryland Global Security Interests 02:33

START 2010 = Russia America AXIS US Capitol Hill Congress Carroll Maryland Global Security Interests

by vshare
641 views, 5134 days ago

The START 2010 arms limitation agreement concluded by the United States of America and the Russia Federation is the next concrete step towards the complete zero balance multi-polar agreements on al...

MAKE presents: The LED 05:29

MAKE presents: The LED

by vshare
649 views, 5134 days ago

Take a tour through the world of the light-emitting diode. Learn - who invented it, how to use it, and how to make your own. Collin Cunningham: People are fascinated by light. I mean just glanci...

Nokta . 01:25

Nokta .

by vshare
427 views, 5133 days ago

Client: Self-Initiated Role: Art Direction, Design, Animation, Compositing Date: February 2010 Format: Short Film 1024*576 Widescreen Pal Sound: ECHOLAB Gavin Little Nokta . (Dot .) is an abstract...

Salesman Pete 06:55

Salesman Pete

by vshare
649 views, 5133 days ago

CHECK OUT OUR FRIEND'S SHORT : http://vimeo.com/17535548 SALESMAN PETE and the amazing stone from outer space © Edit 26/09/10 : Sound re-mixed. Should be better. Pete is a nice and clumsy sales...

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU 07:26

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU

by vshare
655 views, 5134 days ago

The new short film by Blu an ambiguous animation painted on public walls. Made in Buenos Aires and in Baden (fantoche) http://www.blublu.org/ http://www.blublu.org/sito/video/muto.htm music by An...

Passer-X glider testing 01:55

Passer-X glider testing

by vshare
696 views, 5134 days ago

This is 2nd test flight of Passer-X glider from R2hobbies. 1,8m wingspan ~600g weight 3s1300mah 25c battery, for easy handling the wind. Axi 2212/20 silver. Love the sound of lowpass whistling. Nee...

Second Wind 06:35

Second Wind

by vshare
500 views, 5133 days ago

animation,character animation,calarts,Ian Worrel,2D,cat,soccer,windmill,plains,old man

TRI▲NGLE 01:06


by vshare
566 views, 5133 days ago

Client: Vgroup, 00 Role: Art Direction, Design, Animation, Compositing Date: June 2010 Format: Short Film 1280x720 HD Sound: Combustion TRIANGLE is a video work done for the book 'Black Material' ...