Discovering King Tut - The Life of Lord Carnarvon 04:38

Discovering King Tut - The Life of Lord Carnarvon

by vshare
1168 views, 5292 days ago

( heritage-key.com ) The 8th Earl of Carnarvon, George Herbert and his wife, 8th Countess of Carnarvon, Fiona Herbert, talk to Heritage Key about their ancestor Lord Carnarvon and his passion for E...

Vancouver Airport Taser Killing of Dziekanski by Police 7 01:28

Vancouver Airport Taser Killing of Dziekanski by Police 7

by vshare
739 views, 5292 days ago

002 cops Rcmp murdered Robert Dziekanski With tasers why did RCMP say one piglet tased Robert 2 times when 2 piggy's tased the man four times i wish it was cops grandfather or wife that would of be...

collab 02:27


by vshare
647 views, 5292 days ago

DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH 26TH hey plz audition! this collab channel is going ot be a lot of fun! tell us: 1. name 2. age 3. editor you use 4. camera 5. why you want to be in this collab 6. why you s...

Vancouver Airport Taser Killing of Dziekanski by Police 5 01:38

Vancouver Airport Taser Killing of Dziekanski by Police 5

by vshare
667 views, 5292 days ago

02 cops Rcmp murdered Robert Dziekanski With tasers why did RCMP say one piglet tased Robert 2 times when 2 piggy's tased the man four times i wish it was cops grandfather or wife that would of bee...

Jared Ozz introduction and Al Khan part 12 09:55

Jared Ozz introduction and Al Khan part 12

by vshare
770 views, 5292 days ago

Jared Ozz tries to make an introduction video but Al Khan the CEO of 4Kids entertainment wants to edit Jared's video because he feels the material is to inappropriate for kids. Will Al Khan ruin Ja...

SuperPhillips Favorite VGMs Volume 150 - The Dream Oath p1 09:7

SuperPhillips Favorite VGMs Volume 150 - The Dream Oath p1

by vshare
708 views, 5292 days ago

Wow. 150 videos dedicated to my favorite video game themes from the beginning of the industry to the present already! I have to admit-- gaming is my foremost hobby and I love it like nothing else. ...

Dream Catch Me - Chapter 66 03:59

Dream Catch Me - Chapter 66

by vshare
673 views, 5292 days ago

Chapter 66 ----- Kevin's POV The look on her face when she opened her eyes was priceless. If it wouldn't have ruined the moment I totally would have pulled out my iPhone and have taken a picture. I...

anime chat show 06:16

anime chat show

by vshare
644 views, 5292 days ago

beyblade and yugioh characters talk to me about saying interests and hobbies!

Vancouver Airport Taser Killing of Dziekanski by Police 2 02:19

Vancouver Airport Taser Killing of Dziekanski by Police 2

by vshare
863 views, 5292 days ago

Too cops Rcmp murdered Robert Dziekanski With tasers why did RCMP say one piglet tased Robert 2 times when 2 piggy's tased the man four times i wish it was cops grandfather or wife that would of be...

The Sims 2 FreeTime - Producer Walkthrough 06:18

The Sims 2 FreeTime - Producer Walkthrough

by vshare
637 views, 5292 days ago

Lakshmi Jayapalan, A Producer working on The Sims 2 FreeTime shows you what new hobbies and interests can keep your Sims occupied for hours! Copyright 2008. Electronic Arts.

Ever wanted to ask me a question Heres your chance 00:25

Ever wanted to ask me a question Heres your chance

by vshare
539 views, 5292 days ago

OKay, I thought it was possible to click on a video and link it to another website... Fail :( Oh well, CLICK THIS LINK INSTREAD www.formspring.me www.formspring.me www.formspring.me www.formspring....

Molly the Cat 01:47

Molly the Cat

by vshare
587 views, 5292 days ago

Playing with my cat a bit. When we first got this cat, we were told it was a girl, so we named it Molly. We actually found out later that it was male, but we kept its name anyways. That is the stor...

Would I still like the same things 06:25

Would I still like the same things

by vshare
662 views, 5292 days ago

Hi. I'm Andi. I'm filling in for Diana. The topic is: Do you feel that if you were born with a female/male body and therefore socialized in that gender would you still have the same interests and h...

A Love Story S2 E6 00:30

A Love Story S2 E6

by vshare
748 views, 5292 days ago

heeey :) and personally, i dislike eggnog. :P lol. jess is gone to Costa Rica for the holidays-lucky duck! Anywho, on with the story! ------- [They run and hug, and squeal and scream and act like g...

Beverly Hills Chihuahua Anais can Sing Acapella to Se Supones 01:55

Beverly Hills Chihuahua Anais can Sing Acapella to Se Supones

by vshare
2356 views, 5292 days ago

MySpace URL: www.myspace.com Name: Anais Age: 24 I'm 22 years old. I am from Chicago, IL and I am Puerto Rican. I love all types of music, especially Jennifer Peña, Obie Bermúdez, Christina Aguiler...

WLS - Secret Santa 2008 05:12

WLS - Secret Santa 2008

by vshare
628 views, 5292 days ago

Your entries into the Secret Santa are due by Sunday, November 30, 2008!!! Answer the following questions in either a video or text response: 1. Name 2. Surgery Date 3. Type of surgery 4. Favorite ...

Vancouver Airport Taser Killing of Dziekanski by Police 11 01:12

Vancouver Airport Taser Killing of Dziekanski by Police 11

by vshare
641 views, 5292 days ago

--------------- Ok 2 cops Rcmp murdered Robert Dziekanski With tasers why did RCMP say one piglet tased Robert 2 times when 2 piggy's tased the man four times i wish it was cops grandfather or wife...

Patricks Garden 09:31

Patricks Garden

by vshare
583 views, 5292 days ago

A little about Jordsvin: Age 49, Pagan 20 years, Heathen for 16 of those. Language instructor by trade. Education: Bachelors and Masters degrees in Spanish and French, plus a Masters in Library Sci...

I like my take of the topic 05:8

I like my take of the topic

by vshare
730 views, 5292 days ago

Just me rambling about some of my hobbies, interests and things I like. The list is by no means conclusive due to the fact that I have too many interests ;)

Open Auditions for Thursdays Glamista 01:41

Open Auditions for Thursdays Glamista

by vshare
624 views, 5292 days ago

Open Auditions The auditions will run from today Thursday Sept 9th-Thursday Sept 23rd Post as a video repsonse telling us: -why you want to be on theglamistas -a little bit about yourself -What are...