Japanese Military Helicopter Ninja OH-1 03:13

Japanese Military Helicopter Ninja OH-1

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901 views, 5322 days ago

Japan invented Observe helicopter. Just Amazing. Unfortunately, this helicopter is observe helicopter, so it does not have any attack weapon except for 4 defensive AAMs.

First Suite For Military Band in E flat 10:34

First Suite For Military Band in E flat

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693 views, 5322 days ago

A cornerstone of the concert band repertoire, this beautiful piece of music was composed by the British composer Gustav Holst. For music buffs from the new school, old school, or the classical scho...

Guantanamo Legal Adviser Refuses To Say Iranians Waterboardi 01:11

Guantanamo Legal Adviser Refuses To Say Iranians Waterboardi

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646 views, 5322 days ago

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "The Legal Rights of Guantanamo Detainees" this morning, Brigadier General Thomas W. Hartmann, the legal adviser at Guantanamo Bay, repeatedly refused...

Amazing Grace 02:38

Amazing Grace

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832 views, 5322 days ago

Massed Band Final Military Tattoo Moscow (Kremlin Zoria 2007) Military bands from Denmark, Germany and Russia. Massed pipes and drums of regiments from Great Britain, Australia, Republic of South A...

Coast to Coast Am - Aug 14 2010 pt11wmv 09:10

Coast to Coast Am - Aug 14 2010 pt11wmv

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1016 views, 5322 days ago

Covert Gov't Vaccine Experiment Date: 08-14-10 Host: Ian Punnett Guests: Gary Matsumoto, Bruce Hood Journalist Gary Matsumoto discussed his research into a dangerous anthrax vaccine th...

Big Picture Pictorial Report Number 9 28:6

Big Picture Pictorial Report Number 9

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674 views, 5322 days ago

Big Picture: Pictorial Report Number 9 - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 2569548 / Local Identifier 111-TV-278 - DVD copied by Katie Filbert. Department of Defense. De...

Abu Ghraib-2 Outrage over Israeli soldier posing with bound Palestinians 00:30

Abu Ghraib-2 Outrage over Israeli soldier posing with bound Palestinians

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760 views, 5322 days ago

A former Israeli soldier has posted photos on the internet of herself posing beside bound and blindfolded Palestinian prisoners. She entitled the facebook page as, "the best days of my life". The I...

Big Picture Soldier in Britain 28:7

Big Picture Soldier in Britain

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916 views, 5322 days ago

Big Picture: Soldier in Britain - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 2569551 / Local Identifier 111-TV-281 - DVD copied by Katie Filbert. Department of Defense. Departmen...

Big Picture Defense of Japan 28:11

Big Picture Defense of Japan

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666 views, 5322 days ago

Big Picture: Defense of Japan - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 2569555 / Local Identifier 111-TV-285 - DVD copied by Katie Filbert. Department of Defense. Department ...

WA Kilner Danse Moresque 02:53

WA Kilner Danse Moresque

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734 views, 5322 days ago

I can find very little information about Kilner. He published several piano pieces between 1879 and 1893, but this piece - from 1879 - was his big hit. Per my score it was 'performed with immense s...

Red Faction Battlegrounds - Annoucement Trailer 00:54

Red Faction Battlegrounds - Annoucement Trailer

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681 views, 5322 days ago

Mechs or tanks? The age-old debate will be settled on Mars as THQ Inc. today announced the development of Red Faction: Battleground, the first downloadable title in the history of the acclaimed Red...

Big Picture Army Technical Schools in Europe 27:57

Big Picture Army Technical Schools in Europe

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723 views, 5322 days ago

Big Picture: Army Technical Schools in Europe - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 2569552 / Local Identifier 111-TV-282 - DVD copied by Katie Filbert. Department of Defe...

【APH】聖:戦でSiebenjähriger Krieg SUBTITLES 03:33

【APH】聖:戦でSiebenjähriger Krieg SUBTITLES

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768 views, 5322 days ago

Song: by Sound Horizon Therein begins the long process of redoing this. The full version of the song's lyrics and this version' s translations will be found here: sites.google.com The fool asked, w...

CoDventures Video Ideas 00:29

CoDventures Video Ideas

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913 views, 5322 days ago

Tell us what you'd like to see! Ideas: Call Winchester and say 1887s are overpowered Call a military branch asking about Sniper Lobbies Real-Life Montage Real-Life Commentary Real-Life Ninja Defusi...

Burma Myanmar BURMA 03:46

Burma Myanmar BURMA

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674 views, 5322 days ago

In which John discusses the political situation in Burma and the arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi by the military junta. Australia nerdfighters: To book spots at the Sydney event on June 3rd at 7 PM at K...

Bill Hicks - Iraq Weapons Conversion 04:53

Bill Hicks - Iraq Weapons Conversion

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3003 views, 5322 days ago

The clip from Revelations in which Bill talks about Iraqis converting "machine tools" and "farming equipment" into military equipment.

Japanese Military 2007 03:53

Japanese Military 2007

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1252 views, 5322 days ago

ようつべ一時保存用。 削除要請ありしだい削除します。 2008年5月25日 再生回数3000回突破2008/07/16(水) 再生回数10000回突破2009/09/26(土) 再生回数 100000 回突破2010/01/07(木)1000コメント突破!

Ron Paul Refuses to Support a Military Dictator in Pakistan 04:37

Ron Paul Refuses to Support a Military Dictator in Pakistan

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702 views, 5322 days ago

Thomas Jefferson summed up the noninterventionist foreign policy position perfectly in his 1801 inaugural address: "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations — entangling alliances wi...

Kiwi jetpack invention gets ready for domestic takeoff 03:33

Kiwi jetpack invention gets ready for domestic takeoff

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867 views, 5322 days ago

The chance to fly a Kiwi-invented jetpack will be available in New Zealand early next year. Almost a year to the day after it first got worldwide attention, the Martin Jetpack is back on show at th...

Video Update - Military Spending 04:20

Video Update - Military Spending

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625 views, 5322 days ago

Congressman Paul discusses upcoming military expenditures, foreign policy and our economy. Recorded Tuesday May 25, 2010