Test Rocket Launch 06:07

Test Rocket Launch

by vshare
558 views, 5134 days ago

Lee, Dave, Brad (and Remi) take a trip to Peter Berg's Hobbies in Parramatta to buy model Rockets for a test launch for a Top Secret Soap project.

Scale Rail 14:37

Scale Rail

by vshare
553 views, 5135 days ago

A fascinating look into the world of model railways and the people behind one of Britain's favourite hobbies. This was part one of a pilot tv show destined for our screens back in 2004. Five years...

Altın Oran ve Kabe Mucizesi ( MivaFilm - Erdem Çetinkaya ) 09:41

Altın Oran ve Kabe Mucizesi ( MivaFilm - Erdem Çetinkaya )

by vshare
469 views, 5135 days ago

http://www.mivafilmreklamanimasyon.com http://www.vimeo.com/3206907 english http://www.vimeo.com/4427817 arabic

All About Erno: Hobbies 09:01

All About Erno: Hobbies

by vshare
708 views, 5134 days ago

Even though Erno drinks a lot, this episode concentrates on other things Erno does when he's more or less wasted. You probably don't know too much about his geocaching activities and other things h...

Alma 05:30


by vshare
601 views, 5134 days ago

[ Full Screen recommended ] Written and Directed by: Rodrigo Blaas Produced by: Cecile Hokes Music: Mastretta Art Director: Alfonso Blaas Lighting Supervisor: Jonatan Catalán Character Technical S...



by vshare
713 views, 5134 days ago

A couple of pencil-outlined birds escape from a little girl´s drawing, leading us through the life she dreams of. you can find more about the making of at this link: http://www.carloslascano.com/c...

Testing New 1.9 Flat Irons 04:35

Testing New 1.9 Flat Irons

by vshare
528 views, 5135 days ago

kenworthit and 8yr old son Sam testing new 1.9 tyres at Pomagalana forest trail WHHOOOOWEEEE! They are sticky!!!!!!

EasyStar #1 : Third Person Video of my first two FPV flights with photos of the setup 03:44

EasyStar #1 : Third Person Video of my first two FPV flights with photos of the setup

by vshare
700 views, 5135 days ago

This video shows my first two FPV flights with my Multiplex EasyStar. In the first flight I only got about 150m range before the video quality started to break down a lot. This I put down to the v...

iTelemetry and iPhone Interface Cable 02:25

iTelemetry and iPhone Interface Cable

by vshare
1085 views, 5135 days ago

Here is a demo of the new iPhone Interface cable from New Generation Hobbies for the Immersion RC iTelemetry application.

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU 09:55

BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU

by vshare
638 views, 5134 days ago

"BIG BANG BIG BOOM: an unscientific point of view on the beginning and evolution of life ... and how it could probably end. direction and animation by BLU http://www.blublu.org production and dis...

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) 03:43

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it)

by vshare
577 views, 5134 days ago

My friend Amanda had never seen a whole Star Wars film. When I asked her if she wanted to watch the original trilogy she said that she would, but that she already knew what happens. So I took out m...

Making Future Magic: iPad light painting 05:35

Making Future Magic: iPad light painting

by vshare
619 views, 5134 days ago

This film explores playful uses for the increasingly ubiquitous ‘glowing rectangles’ that inhabit the world. We use photographic and animation techniques that were developed to draw moving 3-dimen...

Hobbies 03:12


by vshare
621 views, 5135 days ago

Documentary created by NJ Film School students during "Filmmaker's Camp for Teens" class.

A Waltz in the Doldrums 14:57

A Waltz in the Doldrums

by vshare
521 views, 5135 days ago

Meet Harold Blatch, a lonely guy who lacks the communicative skills needed to deal with society.His brother Sylvester is sarcastic and domineering. In his spare time, Harold does weird hobbies to ...

Major Lazer 03:41

Major Lazer "Pon De Floor"

by vshare
703 views, 5134 days ago

Directed by Eric Wareheim Edited and Animation by Zachary Johnson & Jeffery Max fatalfarm.com Art and Vector Insanity by Kevin O'Neill & Karisa Senavitis willworkforgood.org Produced by Clark R...

Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny 02:59

Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny

by vshare
527 views, 5134 days ago

School assignment to reinterpret the fairytale Little red ridning hood. Inspired by Röyksopps Remind me. Music: Slagsmålsklubben, Sponsored by destiny www.smk.just.nu Animation: Tomas Nilsson www....

A service for the community 06:14

A service for the community

by vshare
621 views, 5134 days ago

Episode II from the web documentary, Notes from Palestine Visit the site: www.notesfrompalestine.org Victor, Wasim and Joseph were lucky when they were little. Their families had the will and the...

Procrastination 04:18


by vshare
491 views, 5134 days ago

Graduation film from the Royal College of Art, 2007. An investigative and exploratory hands-on gloves-off study into the practice of putting things 'off''. Sometimes the only way to get something ...



by vshare
406 views, 5134 days ago

Artificial Paradise, Inc is an experimental film anticipating a future where a major corporation has developed an unique software, based on organic virtual reality, which holds all the lost memorie...

ShapeShifter 02:13


by vshare
470 views, 5134 days ago

"ShapeShifter" by Charlex narration by Gabriel Byrne www.charlex.com http://twitter.com/CHRLXNYC http://www.facebook.com/charlexnyc