The Science of Sleep part 3 09:51

The Science of Sleep part 3

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618 views, 5162 days ago

By Michel Gondry France (2005) Romantic Comedy/ Fantasy Drama 11 parts/110 mins In English and French with English Subtitles for non-English dialogue only. WARNING: Film contains adult language, se...

Bike ride to Auroville - Pondicherry, India (foreigners ride bike auroville, marika auroville) 01:10

Bike ride to Auroville - Pondicherry, India (foreigners ride bike auroville, marika auroville)

by vshare
730 views, 5162 days ago

A TripAdvisor™ TripWow video of a travel blog to Pondicherry, India by TravelPod blogger Lauralouise. See this TripWow and more at tripwow.tripadvisor.com Bike ride to Auroville "We didn't manage t...

Spliff Politics feat Mr Tongue Twister (Musical Intercourse for Divine Intellect) 05:20

Spliff Politics feat Mr Tongue Twister (Musical Intercourse for Divine Intellect)

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629 views, 5162 days ago

www.facebook.com Spliff Politics feat Mr Tongue Twister Produced by Midi Edited by Midi

Khabarnak-23 Jan,2011 Part 5 05:22

Khabarnak-23 Jan,2011 Part 5

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483 views, 5162 days ago

A veritable totally "gossip column of talk shows" where in a tongue-in-cheek manner politics, current affairs and society are under discussion focusing on pertinent issues that affect us all. "Khab...

Khabarnak-23 Jan,2011 Part 4 05:33

Khabarnak-23 Jan,2011 Part 4

by vshare
625 views, 5162 days ago

This is where an veritable "gossip column of talk shows" where in a tongue-in-cheek manner politics, current affairs and society are under discussion focusing on pertinent issues that affect us all...

Ed Balls nailed on Alistair Darling's economics (25Jan11) 03:30

Ed Balls nailed on Alistair Darling's economics (25Jan11)

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553 views, 5162 days ago

Ed Balls-up is nailed by Andrew Neil on criticising former Labour chancellor Alistair Darling's statements on the economy, which Ed Balls denies he ever criticised. This is an edit from a much long...

Pakistan is burning in the Pain 03:11

Pakistan is burning in the Pain

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523 views, 5162 days ago

The people of Pakistan are passing the life, which they have never thought, The politics of Pakistan has damaged the nation & still doing.

Office Space Parody 2007 02:18

Office Space Parody 2007

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630 views, 5162 days ago

First Parody known to star Milton. Two minute second film made for a multimedia class. (printer scene, milton, lumberg, bobs) There is also a longer 5 minute version (more lumberg more bobs) but I ...

5 politics v2 02:24

5 politics v2

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524 views, 5162 days ago

5 politics v2

Consider this your invitation. 05:52

Consider this your invitation.

by vshare
709 views, 5162 days ago

The 2012 Project is a national, non-partisan campaign to increase the number of women in legislative office by identifying and engaging accomplished women and inviting them to run for political off...

How Wikileaks positive changed my country (Germany) 01:16

How Wikileaks positive changed my country (Germany)

by vshare
501 views, 5162 days ago

Hello folks, my name is antje, I'm a 20 year old student from germany and I want to share some important informations about how wikileaks positive changed my country. I recognized, that many people...

Khabarnak-23 Jan,2011 Part 2 09:02

Khabarnak-23 Jan,2011 Part 2

by vshare
424 views, 5162 days ago

A tongue-in-cheek manner of politics, current affairs and society are under discussion focusing on pertinent issues that affect us all. "Khabarnaak" is a place where quintessential characters with ...

Rep. Cantor: Strengthen Don't Repeal! Stop playing politics with our health care! 00:35

Rep. Cantor: Strengthen Don't Repeal! Stop playing politics with our health care!

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631 views, 5162 days ago

Rep. Eric Cantor voted on Jan. 19 to repeal the health care law in spite of the law's many consumer benefits and the fact that the Senate has promised to block any repeal efforts. Candace Graham of...

The Conversation: Chancellor Holden Thorp & NYT Columnist David Brooks 10:17

The Conversation: Chancellor Holden Thorp & NYT Columnist David Brooks

by vshare
852 views, 5162 days ago

UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Holden Thorp discusses universities, politics and more with author and New York Times Columnist David Brooks. In addition to his work with the New York Times, Brooks is a...

YouTube RapidShare Premium Free 30 days 360p 01:37

YouTube RapidShare Premium Free 30 days 360p

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711 views, 5162 days ago

Download here: foldersaved.com Rapidshare premium account 2010 working 100% earn money online free without any investment click on link register and enjoy Extra Tags: Halo 2 Halo 1 Halo 3 Halo Fun ...

Never Felt Better: How To Get To An Election In Ireland 06:53

Never Felt Better: How To Get To An Election In Ireland

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571 views, 5162 days ago

The author of web blog Never Felt Better (neverfeltbetter.wordpress.com) lays out the last 10 or so days of Irish politics to his good friend Thomas Jefferson.

H - Reasonable Doubt (politics as usual) 02:04

H - Reasonable Doubt (politics as usual)

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473 views, 5162 days ago

NEW MIXTAPE 'ALL SYSTEMS GO" - SPRING '11 Fat shouts to Maad Indian for the additional vocals. I woke up one morning with Jay-Z's "Politics As Usual" on a loop in my head... and once I heard the in...

The Future of School Choice 58:26

The Future of School Choice

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637 views, 5162 days ago

Teachers unions? Complacent parents? Bureaucracy? Dumb kids? Misinformation? The US spends more on K-12 education than virtually any country in the world, yet our educational system yields mediocre...

Fractals, Fibonacci and socionomics 22:44

Fractals, Fibonacci and socionomics

by vshare
452 views, 5162 days ago

In the 1930s Ralph Nelson Elliott identified repeating patterns in stock market, which he termed "waves". Robert R. Prechter Jr. linked the psychological basis of waves to humans` unconscious impul...

KKK Alliance 04:40

KKK Alliance

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497 views, 5162 days ago

With the Kibaki succession slowly dominating local politics, talk on the formation of political alliances set to serve as vehicles to power for some of the country's leading politicians have also h...