

by vshare
639 views, 5323 days ago

A filler and a fad Videos underway ______________________ Honors: #25 - Top Favorited (This Month) - Pets & Animals #99 - Top Rated (Today) - Pets & Animals #100 - Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Anim...

Eyes of an Angel - Angel Doberman Pinscher 04:26

Eyes of an Angel - Angel Doberman Pinscher

by vshare
1899 views, 5323 days ago

My 08-08-08 video! Eyes of an Angel was a straight to VHS film from 1991, staring John Travolta, Ellie Raab and Tripoli as the dog. And what an amazing dog! This is the best Doberman film I have ev...

90s SESH - Waterfalls - TLC cover 06:3

90s SESH - Waterfalls - TLC cover

by vshare
1457 views, 5323 days ago

Just the guys...doing what we do :) Love from the Double L ENJOY. *RuSouL* So, i decided since we're all pretty close to national geographic status... I put our video under the Pets&Animals Categor...

Wolves - Tribute Voice  Aspiration 10:26

Wolves - Tribute Voice Aspiration

by vshare
921 views, 5323 days ago

Humans have doomed the wolf not for what it is, but for what humans deliberately and mistakenly perceive it to be -- the mythological epitome of a savage, ruthless killer -- which is, in reality, n...

Dramatic Kitten - Best Version 00:17

Dramatic Kitten - Best Version

by vshare
862 views, 5323 days ago

Yup, a new contender! #18 - Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Animals - New Zealand #84 - Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Animals #50 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Pets & Animals - New Zealand #60 - Top Favo...

Lily talks to Pit Bull Sharky 00:9

Lily talks to Pit Bull Sharky

by vshare
1144 views, 5323 days ago

Please visit, support, subscribe to A Better Place Rescue... A Better Place on YouTube: www.youtube.com A Better Place is an all breed dog rescue located in New Boston, Michigan. A Better Place is ...

this time is ours inspired 02:46

this time is ours inspired

by vshare
943 views, 5323 days ago

[this time] is our youth. This song I swear, it gets to me. I just want to cry and smile every time I hear it. This band is... a newly discovered love of mine. And this song is... probably my favou...

The Purrfectly Comfy Kitty HD 01:13

The Purrfectly Comfy Kitty HD

by vshare
979 views, 5323 days ago

Gracie's nightly ritual of purring in her comfy bed Visit T&G's brand new stores! www.cafepress.com www.zazzle.com YouTube Ratings (Pets & Animals category) # 3 -- Top Rated 11-16-09 #11 -- Most Di...

Duck Song Ducks As Pets I Have A Dream Annie Pattison Happy Thanksgiving everyone 04:10

Duck Song Ducks As Pets I Have A Dream Annie Pattison Happy Thanksgiving everyone

by vshare
1038 views, 5323 days ago

Hi This summer I got 3 baby ducks and raised them for 3 months. They were so cute at first and they grew so fast. I had a lot of fun playing with them and they were good all the time. Uncle Joe was...

Tigers tigers  more tigers 04:24

Tigers tigers more tigers

by vshare
678 views, 5323 days ago

Tigers #2 - Most Discussed (Today) - Pets & Animals #16 - Most Discussed (This Week) - Pets & Animals #24 -Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Animals - Germany #49 - Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Animals ...

Maury - You are NOT the Father 01:27

Maury - You are NOT the Father

by vshare
1027 views, 5323 days ago

LEVEL UP!!! ANTHONY learned HE IS NOT THE FATHER! #8 - Most Discussed (Today) - Pets & Animals - Brazil #83 - Most Viewed (Today) - Pets & Animals - South Korea #36 - Top Favorites (Today) - Pets &...

Dramatic Lemur - Actually a Tarsier 00:20

Dramatic Lemur - Actually a Tarsier

by vshare
935 views, 5323 days ago

Dramatic chipmunk (really a prairie dog) watch out! ... Here comes the tarsier, a prosimian native of the islands of South East Asia. en.wikipedia.org Note: Dramatic Chipmunk is played by a prairie...

girl attacked by shark 03:28

girl attacked by shark

by jenny23
964 views, 5325 days ago

real video

two lions and a dog 02:28

two lions and a dog

by jenny23
970 views, 5325 days ago

this is crazy how the dog and lion get on

lion attacks man 00:24

lion attacks man

by jenny23
1335 views, 5325 days ago

lion attacks man

Snake Eats A Hippo 02:12

Snake Eats A Hippo

by millermusic
1999 views, 5575 days ago

Well, it probably looked like a good idea at first. A large snake eats a hippo and although he was able to swallow the sucker whole the hippo didnt quite agree with him and he decided to let him go...



by vshare
1115 views, 5575 days ago


Giant Bizarre Fish 01:11

Giant Bizarre Fish

by millermusic
1116 views, 5575 days ago

This two ton fish is one of the largest and most bizarre animals found in the sea. Find out why! See All National Geographic Videos

Life - Jesus Christ lizard walks on water - BBC One 01:37

Life - Jesus Christ lizard walks on water - BBC One

by millermusic
2590 views, 5575 days ago

Life - Jesus Christ lizard walks on water - BBC One About the programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/life Basilisk lizard - or Jesus Christ lizard - running on wat...

Attenborough: Fully Grown Python eating a Deer - Life in Cold Blood - BBC wildlife 04:02

Attenborough: Fully Grown Python eating a Deer - Life in Cold Blood - BBC wildlife

by millermusic
1875 views, 5575 days ago

Sir David Attenborough presents this epic wildlife documentary, exploring the world of cold blooded animals. Watch this phenomenal video to see a fully grown python kill and eat a deer. Brilliant