Omikron- The nomad soul playthrough part 1 08:25

Omikron- The nomad soul playthrough part 1

by vshare
443 views, 5160 days ago

OMFG it works!!!???? i think the worlds about to blow! it doesn't work on my old pc with xp and a 8600gt but does work on my new pc with vista and a GTX285! figure that one out O_o (EDIT: It also a...

Gay Leprechaun: Surprise in the Woods! 03:11

Gay Leprechaun: Surprise in the Woods!

by vshare
782 views, 5159 days ago

Want his pot o' gold? You'll have to give him something in return. SUB for more episodes on both channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com See OUTTAKES here: www.youtube.com GAY LEPRECHAUN Created ...

Guitar Hero World Tour Crazy Train (Full Expert Band PS3) 05:29

Guitar Hero World Tour Crazy Train (Full Expert Band PS3)

by vshare
716 views, 5159 days ago

ROFLCOPTERS At the beginning of this song for me. Ok This was requested by someone and I'd assure to them that I would do the request. Here is his channel: www.youtube.com Yeah, This was fun. The o...

TeQuiiLa SHoTZz | MW2 Weird Custom Classes Names! 04:56

TeQuiiLa SHoTZz | MW2 Weird Custom Classes Names!

by vshare
682 views, 5159 days ago

Few people was wondering from watching my Glitch tutorial why I got such odd names for my classes. No idea how some of you guys notice such a tiny clip but here is why I called the classes what the...

The Frightening - Weird Boys Shower Scene + Funny Death Scene Feat Matt Twining & Dan Carlson 03:14

The Frightening - Weird Boys Shower Scene + Funny Death Scene Feat Matt Twining & Dan Carlson

by vshare
877 views, 5159 days ago

David Decoteau has some of the funniest scenes involving young adult males in his movies lol. That close up of the men's shower scene is awkward but the fact that they have no change room and finis...

Weird sex:animals,dolphins and humans and business dingery 07:25

Weird sex:animals,dolphins and humans and business dingery

by vshare
2421 views, 5159 days ago

Weird sex:dolphins and humans and business dingery. I have odd things to say about animal sex with humans. and find out what odd and weird laws i have found.



by vshare
477 views, 5159 days ago

AUGUST BURNS RED on CAPITAL CHAOS 2009 Club Retro~Orangevale, California 9/23/2009 also on the bill were THE ACACIA STRAIN, IMPENDING DOOM, MY CHILDREN MY BRIDE. August Burns Red is an American Met...

Baby with weird Happy Birthday voice 02:57

Baby with weird Happy Birthday voice

by vshare
623 views, 5159 days ago

This one-year-old decided to say "Happy Birthday" in a really weird voice... and wouldn't stop!!! Very odd and funny.

A Troyella story episode 69 - A New Couple 08:58

A Troyella story episode 69 - A New Couple

by vshare
550 views, 5159 days ago

Hi! I hope you like it! I know this is very odd and weird but I hope you like it! And to the people who dont like my series, just dont watch cause it you would only waiste your time because of hati...

The Fearless Flying Frog Brigade - One Better 05:59

The Fearless Flying Frog Brigade - One Better

by vshare
667 views, 5159 days ago

The song One Better by Les Claypool, i'm not really sure if that is Primus or not playing with him... And the pic has nothing to do with the song, but this song reminds me of that Dinosaur for some...

KH2FM - Sora Bodyguards 10:34

KH2FM - Sora Bodyguards

by vshare
466 views, 5159 days ago

Download: www.megaupload.com Sora Bodyguards, the finest bodyguards money can buy. Assassins, ninjas, Terras, benches, you name it, they can destroy it. And you get all 10 Sora Bodyguards for the s...

Fruits basket TV Randomness 2 02:29

Fruits basket TV Randomness 2

by vshare
797 views, 5159 days ago

EDIT: darn...I forgot to say where one of the audio clips come from. *shrugs* oh well, I guess you guys could guess if you want. Phew! I finally made another vid! My comp saved it kinda weird, so i...

Silent Drop - Hell Girl [AMV] 02:17

Silent Drop - Hell Girl [AMV]

by vshare
609 views, 5159 days ago

Read This. Thank you for wasting your time on reading this. This video was made for N/B's and S/B's Official AMV Contest. i had limit in time so that's why you might think its not quite perfect =_=...

Amateur Airsoft War 08:35

Amateur Airsoft War

by vshare
606 views, 5159 days ago

An insanely odd airsoft war with weird teams WATCH ENJOY Ps-I know i exagerrate

Gots To Get Her - Dante/Patty 03:03

Gots To Get Her - Dante/Patty

by vshare
543 views, 5159 days ago

Program: WMM (Windows Movie Maker) Anime: Devil May Cry Song: Gots To Get Her - Blake Lewis HOORAY! I did it i did it, oh yea yea yea!!! FINALLY!!!! woo that took me forever ;-; i am just so glad t...

Fallout 3 (PC) Playthrough w/Commentary (in HD): Part 176 - Strange Flashbacks 10:18

Fallout 3 (PC) Playthrough w/Commentary (in HD): Part 176 - Strange Flashbacks

by vshare
499 views, 5159 days ago

This place is odd, it sometimes will throw you into these weird flashback scenes. Nothing major, just odd. Still roaming about looking for that item.

Alien 東方Touhou Unplugged/Classic 161 03:30

Alien 東方Touhou Unplugged/Classic 161

by vshare
567 views, 5159 days ago

Title: 平安のエイリアンArtist: ゆう (Yuu), Yuu is from Dark PHOENiX Circle: Knights of Round Album: Knights of Round 3 Original: 平安のエイリアン (Heian Alien) As requested, not so long ago, and recently by a few pe...

Nature Orgy 01:45

Nature Orgy

by vshare
522 views, 5159 days ago

The best orgasm is the most awkward, confusing & random orgasm... and it has to be all natural too... I have no idea what I'm talking about. Skye & I do the worst we can with the best we have... or...

'JO Anime Review -- Midori Days 08:56

'JO Anime Review -- Midori Days

by vshare
520 views, 5159 days ago

This is JesuOtaku's review of Midori Days. Midori Days is produced by Studio Pierrot and available from Media Blasters. This review is unofficial and entirely silly to boot. All media is used for p...

Changmin is weird! ^_^ 02:57

Changmin is weird! ^_^

by vshare
467 views, 5159 days ago

He ranks 1 in the 4Chawon(4-D)Stars.4Chawon stars are popular and well-known for their extraordinary, different, and unique personalities.So, my Minmin is odd,ne? So proud of him ^_^. He recently d...