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Power of the People


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Added on Aug 18, 2010

Length: 01:30 | Comments: 0

Politicians and political institutions undoubtedly play a vital role in democracy. But politics is not the exclusive reserve of our elected representatives and democratic institutions. This event will examine how people who are not professional politicians can have a significant impact upon the political landscape, and how this affects parliaments and governments. Panelists include Annie Lennox, providing an insight into how her SING Campaign is combating HIV/AIDS in South Africa; Martin Bell recounting his successful campaign to become a "sleaze-busting" MP; and Mark Thomas, leading political campaigning comedian and Perrier Award nominee. Chaired by Alasdair Morgan MSP, Deputy Presiding Officer. Watch the entire event on the Festival of Politics archive on www.holyrood.tv

Channels: Politics  

Tags: News  Scottish  Parliament  Festival  of  Politics  Annie  Lennox  Mark  Thomas  Martin  Bell  Power  People 


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