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Erin Weir USW on the myth of internal trade barriers Pt 2wmv


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Added on Aug 18, 2010

Length: 08:50 | Comments: 0

Toronto Chapter on the campaign against so-called interprovincial trade barriers. In Part 2, Weir explains how this corporate campaign, which is embraced wholeheartedly by the Harper government and right-wing provinces, is linked to the Canada-EU free trade negotiations. The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, or CETA, will affect so many levels of provincial policy that some means was necessary to make sure the a Canada-EU FTA would be applied to the provinces. The goal of ironing out any regulatory differences between the provinces whatsoever has less to do with economics (there are no real barriers) and more with optics and politics (the EU simply believes there are barriers and wants them removed). The result will be the legalization of public policy in Canada, with corporations directly invoking disputes against legitimate policies that interfere with their perceived trade and investment rights.

Channels: Politics  

Tags: News  TILMA  AIT  Council  of  Canadians  United  Steelworkers  CETA 


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