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ENNIO MORRICONE -Il Triello The Trio 1966


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Added on Aug 18, 2010

Length: 05:06 | Comments: 0

2nd -From, "IL BUONO, IL BRUTTO, IL CATTIVO" (Italy, 1966) -"THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY" (USA) -"THE MAGNIFICENT ROGUES" (UK) -"EL BUENO, EL MALO, Y EL FEO" (Argentina, Venezuela) -"EL BO, EL LLEIG, I EL DOLENT" (Catalan title) or "EL BUENO, EL FEO Y EL MALO" (Spain) -"LE BON, LA BRUTE ET LETRUAND" (Belgium (French title) / Canada (French title) / France) -"ZWEI GLORREICHE HALUNKEN" (Austria / West Germany) -"A JO,A ROSSZ ES A CSUF" (Hungary) -"O BOM, O MAU, EO VILAO" (Portugal) -"O BOM, O MAL, EO FEIO" and "TRES HOMENS EM CONFLITO" (Brazil) -"BUNUL, RAUL SI URATUL" (Romania) -"DOBAR, LOS, ZAO" (Yugoslavia (Serbian title)) -"DOBRY, ZLY I BRZYDKI" (Poland) -"GODA, ONDA OCH FULA" (Finland (Swedish title)) -"DEN GODE, DEN ONDE OG DEN GRUSOMME" (Denmark) -"DE GOEDE, DE HARDE, DE VAGEBOND" (Belgium (Flemish title)) -"HYVAT PAHAT RUMAT" (Finland) -"LYI, KOTU VE CIRKIN" (Turkey (Turkish title)) -"O KALOS, O KAKOS KAI O ASHIMOS" (Greece) The quintessential Italian western, and the epic finish to the trilogy of "A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS" and "FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE". Starring the unholy trinity of Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef, and Clint Eastwood as 'The Man With No Name'. See also: ENNIO MORRICONE -"The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly" (1966) www.youtube.com ENNIO MORRICONE -"Padre Ramirez" (1966) www.youtube.com ENNIO MORRICONE -"The Military Train (Il Treno Militare)" (1966) www.youtube.com ENNIO MORRICONE -"Pursuit (Inseguimento)" (1966) www.youtube.com ENNIO MORRICONE -"Sentenza ...

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Music  enniomorricone  goodbadugly  Muse  Pixies  nickcave  Calexico  marsvolta  KILLBILL  Alessandroni  Eastwood 


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