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Statements of Guilt Dragan Zelenović


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Added on Aug 18, 2010

Length: 02:8 | Comments: 0

Dragan Zelenović was a Bosnian Serb soldier and de facto military policeman in the town of Foča, in southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina near the border with Serbia and Montenegro. He raped and tortured a number of Muslim women and girls, including a 15 year old, while they were held in detention facilities in the municipality of Foča. Women who resisted his sexual assaults were threatened with death or were beaten. As part of the plea agreement, Dragan Zelenović agreed to provide truthful and complete information and to testify at any proceedings before the ICTY. He was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment. www.icty.org

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Nonprofit  statements  of  guilt  guilty  pleas  war  crimes  criminals  international  justice  crime  sentencing  plead  against  humanity  Balkans  in  Yugoslavia  karadzic  mladic  milosevic  plea  bargain  sentence  icty 


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