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Statements of Guilt Milan Babić


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 02:56 | Comments: 0

Milan Babić, between August 1991 and February 1992, acted first as Prime Minister/President of the government of the self-declared Serbian Autonomous Region (SAO) Krajina and then as President of the Republic of Serbian Krajina (RSK) in Croatia. Milan Babić knowingly and intentionally participated in a campaign of persecutions against non-Serbs. He was aware that crimes such as mistreatment in prisons, deportations, forcible transfer and the destruction of property were being committed, and he knew that civilians were being killed in the course of the forcible removal. He participated and supported the military take over of territories, encouraging and assisting in the acquisition of arms. He made ethnically inflammatory speeches at public events and in the media and such propaganda helped the unleashing of violence against the Croat population and other non-Serbs. Before he was indicted, he testified for the Prosecution in the Milošević case. He was sentenced to 13 years' imprisonment. www.icty.org

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Nonprofit  statements  of  guilt  guilty  pleas  war  crimes  criminals  international  justice  crime  sentencing  plead  against  humanity  Balkans  in  Yugoslavia  karadzic  mladic  milosevic  plea  bargain  sentence  icty 


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