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Ron Paul Fox Debate Pt7 1-10-08


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 02:9 | Comments: 0

Electibility And ALWAYS SPEAKS THE TRUTH Fixed News, Faux Noise, Fox News, Did Not Show This Part On The Rebroadcast Of This Debate! Fox, Your Time Is Up! "We've only had two little primaries so far. So it's pretty premature to decide which one is going to be the candidate.... Are you suggesting the Republicans write me off because I'm a strict constitutionalist? I'm the most conservative member here. I have voted, you know, against more spending and waste in government than anybody else. (Applause) "So you're suggesting that I'm not electable and the Republicans don't want me because I'm a strict fiscal conservative, because I believe in civil liberties? Why should we not be defending civil liberties and why should we not be talking about foreign policy that used to be the part of the Republican Party? "Mr. Republican Robert Taft didn't even want us to be in NATO, and you're saying now that we have to continue to borrow money from China to finance this empire that we can't afford? Let me see if I get this right. We need to borrow $10 billion from China and then we give it to Musharraf, who is a military dictator, who overthrew an elected government. And then we go to war, we lose all these lives promoting democracy in Iraq. I mean, what's going on here?" US Embrace of Musharraf Irks Pakistanis By NY Times 2-29-08 The Bush administration's continued backing of the Pakistani president is perceived as American meddling.

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: News  Ron  Paul 


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