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Statements of Guilt Miodrag Jokić


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 07:25 | Comments: 0

Miodrag Jokić was commander of the 9th Military Naval Sector (VPS) of the Yugoslav Navy, which was responsible for attacking the southern Croatian town of Dubrovnik and surrounding areas on 6 December 1991. Soldiers under his command shelled the Old Town of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, where two civilians were killed and three were wounded. Buildings, institutions dedicated to religion, charity, education, and the arts and sciences, and historic monuments were damaged or destroyed. As commander he failed to take the necessary measures to prevent or stop the shelling or subsequently punish or discipline those responsible. At the time of his surrender Miodrag Jokić was the most senior JNA officer to voluntarily surrender and his guilty plea was to help break the code of silence that has hovered over the bombing of Dubrovnik. He has substantially cooperated with the Tribunal. and has participated in political activities aimed at promoting a peaceful solution to the conflicts in the region. He was sentenced to 7 years' imprisonment. www.icty.org

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Nonprofit 


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