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Jeff Ott - 911 is Still a Joke Audio


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 08:6 | Comments: 0

Susan called me really early today, said you better turn on the news right away I saw a plane go down into the Pentagon. And I know you're gonna hate me But I got to tell the truth, my first thought was, right on! I saw another plane slam in, to the world trade centre, I mean world sin Yeah, I know commerce is the root of most evil in the world today So if you're gonna conquer the whole world I guess you better be ready to play, ready to pay They all get up on the TV and say "it's an evil act of terrorism" And "were gonna hunt 'em all down, yeah were gonna get 'em" They can sell us anything, we'll sign on to any plan Were so fucking stupid that we'll believe we can get revenge on some Saudis by bombing Afghanistan did you notice who was on the hit list today? Osama Bin Laden, he used to get CIA pay Before that it was Saddam Hussein, he used to get CIA pay Before that it was Manuel Noriega, he used to get CIA pay Did you hear the justification going round? The women of Afghanistan are oppressed, the bombs gotta come raining down It's really nice to know we use our military to back feminism But it's so hard to believe, cuz we didn't seem to care until They hit the world centre of business and, militarism I got a bright idea, the next target in the war on terrorism Yeah, let's bring it on home and fight a real war for feminism cuz when I go to work every day, 3 out of 4 of my clients say When I was just a little girl I got molested, I got beaten and I got raped Yeah let's ...

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Music  Fifteen  Crimpshrine  War  on  Terrorism  Will  Work  For  Diapers  Public  Enemy  New  York  Trade  Centre  Etc 


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