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Financial Community Supports Ron Paul


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 06:2 | Comments: 0

NEW FUND RAISER COMING UP teaparty07.com wont you help us make history!! Have you noticed? Ron Paul is picking up a LOT of support within the financial community. So far, these are the names of very prominent investment advisers who have announced their support for Ron Paul Axel Merk (Merk Hard Currency Fund), Harry Schultz (Harry Schultz Letter), Jim Rogers, (Jim Rogers.com), Richard Russell (Dow Theory Letters), and Peter Schiff (Euro Pacific Capital). Not to mention the Chicago pit traders who were cheering for Ron Paul when he went head to head with Bernanke! Also, I was down at a local silver / gold shop in Boston the other day and I handed the guy behind the counter a bill stamped with Ron Paul 2008 on it. Of course he knew about Ron Paul because of his honest money stance, and was a big supporter. Below are some brief excerpts and links to their full statements, where available. If you know of any others that I've missed - please post them in the comments section. I'd like to put together a very comprehensive list. Axel Merk - 4/27/2007 Merk Hard Currency Fund It is not our role to endorse a presidential candidate, especially not this early in the process. We don't agree with all of his views, but highly respect his no-nonsense approach to fiscal and monetary policy issues. We encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the fiscal views of Congressman Ron Paul. He is living proof that it is possible to be a fiscally conservative politician with integrity. See ...

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: News  Ron  Paul  Financial  Gold  FED  Bernake  Money 


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