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【APH】聖:戦でSiebenjähriger Krieg SUBTITLES


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 03:33 | Comments: 0

Song: by Sound Horizon Therein begins the long process of redoing this. The full version of the song's lyrics and this version' s translations will be found here: sites.google.com The fool asked, why the king went to the battlefield where he wouldn't have the advantage of the terrain. The wise knew that, there was no option but to fight in order to defuse such situation as being besieged by multiple armies. AD1756 the Seven Years' war. The Diplomatic Revolution by Maria Theresa who was the queen of Austria, led to the formation of the League of Three Petticoats. Austria also gained Hungary, Saxony and Sweden as the allies. They intended to surround Prussia and regain Silesia. Ivan : We'll help you out, so let us advance southward. (kol☆) Francis : You shouldn't make ladies angry very much. Holding the noble double-headed eagle at the chest, Let's march forward together, our allied armies. In response, Prussia formed an alliance with the UK, Forestalled the plot, went on a raid while advancing, invaded Saxony. The jet-black banners were racing through the reddening battlefield. The heroes in Rosbach. March forward, our brave Landeskinder. AD1759 August, the Battle of Kunersdorf. A total of eighty thousand soldiers that consisted of the Austrian army led by Laudon and the Russian army, joined together near Kunersdorf. The Prussian army led by Frederic, which consisted of forty-five thousand soldiers, crossed the Oder river in the southern part of Kustrin. [Prussia national ...

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Film  subtitles  axis  powers  hetalia  aph  hetaria  sound  horizon 


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