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Great Compassionate Heart Dharani - 5 Repetitions


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 06:3 | Comments: 0

NAMO RATNA TRAYAYA / NAMO ARYA JNANA SAGARA, VAIROCHANA / BYUHARA JARA TATHAGATAYA / ARAHATE SAMYAKSAM BUDDHAYA / NAMO SARWA TATHAGATE BHYAY ARHATA BHYAH / SAMVAKSAM BUDDHE BHVAH / NAMO AVALOKITE / SHORAYA BODHISATTVAYA / MAHA SATTVAYA / MAHA KARUNIKAYA / TADYATA / OM DARA DARA / DIRI DIRI / DURU DURU / ITTE WE / ITTE CHALE CHALE / PURACHALE PURACHALE KUSUME KUSUMA WA RE / ILI MILLI CHITI JVALAM / APANAVE SHOHA General Translation: 1. Adoration the noble Avalokitesvara, bodhisattva, the great compassionate one. 2. Having paid adoration to One who Dispels all Fears, O noble Avalokitesvara, to You adoration, O Nilakantha. 3. I shall enunciate the 'heart' dharani which ensures all purposes, is pure and invincible for all beings, and which purifies the path of existence. 4. Thus: Lord of Effulgence, the World-Transcending One. Come, come, great bodhisattva, descend, descend. Bear in mind my heart-dharani. Do do the work. Hold fast, oh Victor, oh Great Victor. Hold on, hold on, oh Lord of the Dharani. Move, move oh my immaculate image, come come. Destroy every poison. Quick, bear in mind, quick, quick, descend, descend. Being enlightened, being enlightened, enlighten me, enlighten me. Oh merciful Nilakantha appear unto me. To you who eyes us, hail. To the Great Siddha hail. To the Great Siddha in Yoga hail. To Nilakantha hail. To the Boar-feaced hail. 5. Adoration to the Triple Gem. Adoration to the noble Avalokitesvara bodhisattva, hail. www.thdl.org Avalokitesvara [Sanskrit ...

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Education  Great  Compassion  Mantra  Avalokitesvara  Chenrezig  Long  Sanskrit  Da  Bei  Zhou 


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