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Killing Floor - Soundtrack - Abandon All Patriarchs song


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 03:41 | Comments: 0

FULL SCREEN = www.youtube.com The soundtrack named "Abandon All" by zYnthetic from the game Killing Floor ! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Official website : www.killingfloorthegame.com Overview (from the official website) : " Its a co-op survival horror game. Up to 6 players in online co-op mode, or just you, on your own, playing the Solo mode. The aim cleanse each area of zombies, in waves, until you get to the last one. The Big One. The Patriarch. Then exterminate him, too. Actually, they arent zombies. They are the left-over specimens from a cheap and dirty government program to clone soldier-monsters. The basic ones will just munch on your arm and try to disembowel you. The bigger ones were the first ones they tried arming. Nothing much. Just a chainsaw or a blade for starters. They had just got on to the chain gun and rockets when the government tried to secretly shut down their secret program. " and from Steam : " Killing Floor is a Co-op Survival Horror FPS set in the devastated cities and countryside of England after a series of cloning experiments for the military goes horribly wrong. You and your friends are members of the military dropped into these locations with a simple mission: Survive long enough to cleanse the area of the failed experiments! "

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Games  Killing  Floor  soundtrack  music  Abandon  All  patriarch  song  menu  theme  ut2004  mod  unreal  engine  tournament  gameplay  footage  2004  survival  coop  horror  game  tripwire  interactive  red  orchestra 


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