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Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep TrailerTeaser PSP


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 03:52 | Comments: 0

Opened comments back up, but, keep this in mind. I just said, four times now, that this trailer is featured at the end of KH2 Final Mix, it's relevance to Birth by Sleep is why I posted it WITH the information located in the description. i124.photobucket.com Just announced at the Tokyo Game Show 2007 were three Kingdom Hearts titles. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Which this video is a trailer/teaser for. Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days For Nintendo DS appears to star Roxas from Kingdom Hearts II, but its main draw looks to be four-player simultaneous play using members of Organization XIII. It will be in full 3D. Kingdom Hearts: Coded A mobile game, likely for Japanese cell phones. It stars the familiar cast of main characters from the original Kingdom Hearts (Sora & co.) and seems to be set between the first and second PlayStation 2 titles. Information from www.1up.com Now I know what your going to say "But this trailer was in KH2 Final Mix!" Yes it was, but it was a trailer for a previously unannounced KH title that most of us thought was for Kingdom Hearts 3, well, it's not, it's for Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. "Despite the entire Internet collectively wagering that Square Enix would be announcing the long-rumored remake of Final Fantasy VII, no such thing has happened. But the Kingdom Hearts rumors? Totally on the mark. In fact, no less than three new KH titles are in the works and were revealed today at Tokyo Game Show, for PSP, DS and...mobile phones. OK, so the ...

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Entertainment  Birth  By  Sleep  Kingdom  Hearts  Roxas  Tokyo  Game  Show  2007 


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