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BFFs Ron Paul The US Military


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 02:42 | Comments: 0

I've finally gotten around to making a Ron Paul video. I say finally, because I've been meaning to for a couple months. This is the first political campaign video I've edited. It's pretty traditional, except it's super-awesome because if my editing skeelz. Ron Paul's web page: www.ronpaul2008.com If you want to vote for Ron Paul you probably need to be registered as a Republican in your state by a certain deadline. This page has easy state by state information www.primarilypaul.com Oops, I almost forgot. I got the fancy presidential seal drawing from here: www.giftedtwisted.com Go buy a t-shirt of it. You know you want to. You don't? Yes u do, stop lying to yourself!! grr!

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: News  Ron  Paul  US  military  ftw 


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