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Texas Republican slams Bush demented philosophy of conquest


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 02:58 | Comments: 0

Full story at www.thebluestate.com Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) stood his ground and joined the twenty-or-so other Republicans that have decided to vote with the House Democrats in favor of a non-binding Iraq resolution that condemns President Bush's troop surge. Speaking of Bush, Congressman Paul was very straight-forward in his displeasure for Bush's "demented philosophy of conquest." Here is a portion of his floor speech: RON PAUL: "In recent decades, our policies have been driven by neoconservative empire radicalism; profiteering in the military industrial complex; misplaced do-good internationalism; mercantilistic notions regarding the need to control natural resources; and blind loyalty to various governments in the Middle East." You can add Ron Paul's name to the small list of the few level-headed Republicans left in Congress.

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: News  Ron  Paul  Iraq  war  debate  congress  House  nonbinding  resolution 


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