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911 The Tip of the Iceberg Part 2 of 2


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 10:0 | Comments: 0

Hijackers Passport found at WTC, No Black Boxes (Source: Official 9/11 Commission Report) 1) "Suqami's passport survived the attack: a passerby picked it up from the World Trade Center and handed to a New York Police Department detective shortly before the towers collapsed." Quote Source: govinfo.library.unt.edu 2) US Courts Evidence: United States v. Zacarias Moussaoui, Criminal No. 01-455-A "Exhibit Number: WT00001; Description: Saudi Arabian passport in the name of SATAM MA AL SUQAMI" - www.vaed.uscourts.gov 3) Satam Suqami (Mainstream coverage): a) abcnews.go.com b) archives.cnn.com Cheney's Stand down initiative: a) www.dtic.mil b) www.dtic.mil Insider Trading ("Buzzy" Krongard) CIA 1. September 6, 2001 - Large number of "put" options are placed on United Airlines stock betting that the stock price would fall. a) www.sfgate.com b) tinyurl.com (Chicago Tribune) 2. September 6, 2001 - Some of the put options placed on United Airlines stock were purchased through the investment banking firm of Deutsche Banc Alex. Brown in which the current Executive Director of the CIA, AB "Buzzy" Krongard, used to be the company's CEO up until 1998. web.archive.org (CIA.gov took this down in 2005, Why?) 3. January 9, 2005 - Let bin Laden stay free, says ex-No. 3 CIA man AB "Buzzy" Krongard. www.timesonline.co.uk 4. All the proof you need. (Insider Trading) tvnewslies.org Ex. CIA-director, former President, and President Bush's Dad, George HW Bush, meets with one of Osama Bin Laden's ...

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: News  9/11  911  wtc  world  trade  center  centre  atta  cocaine  strip  clubs  attack  wtc7  wtc1  wtc2  demolished  demolition  conspiracy  terrorist  terrorists  cover  up  hoax  security  pulled  out  bomb  sniffing  dogs  marvin  bush  explosives  explained  planted  fire  damage 


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