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Prison Break Season 4 Episode 2 Breaking and Entering Part 1


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 09:16 | Comments: 0

http://www.tiny.cc/PrisonBreak Enjoy full Prison Break episodes FREE. Season 4, Episode 2: Breaking and Entering In LA, General Krantz tells Wyatt that he wants Michael, Lincoln and Mahone dead. Agent Self forces Michael and his crew to wear monitor around their ankles, and their first assignment is to find the Scylla card. Mahone recalls that Whistler delivered the card to a card holder, and he noted that the driver probably would be a retired military. Using the information from the IRS, they find the identity of the driver. Meanwhile, T-Bag and Sancho head to San Diego in the desert. The hungry Sancho attacks T-Bag, who kills the Mexican while defending himself, and survives eating part of him. Later he gets a ride to San Diego with two bikers' sportsmen. Michael's team tracks the driver to the fortress of Spectroleum CEO Stuart Tuxhorn. The hacker Roland Glenn joins the team and gives a digital black hole device that copies any digital information when close to the source. Michael asks Sara to plant the device in the housekeeper's purse to bring the device inside the house and they succeed in copying the card. However, the maid leaves the device inside the house and they are forced to break in the place to retrieve the apparatus. T-Bag discovers the meaning of Whistler's code 36-24-36 in the Birds Guide. Michael and Sara conclude that Scylla is actually a six head monster from "The Odyssey" and therefore there are six cards. Gretchen is still alive.

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: People  watch  prison  break  Michael  Scofield  premiere  finale  Season  Episode  Breaking  and  Entering  full  tv  bloopers  yt:stretch16:9  yt:qualityhigh 


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